Seven Days of Sickness

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A/N I was listening to "Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed while I was thinking of the title in case you were wondering! Enjoy!

E/N Hey people I don't know! I'm going to be doing some editing to this story. Have fun! Dead_Cricket

I had been continuously coughing and throwing up my meals this past week. My dad called in the Phantomhive family doctor in a panic for my health. I was told that I had a 60% chance of surviving this sickness. All I needed to do was to quit coughing I thought to myself. I was resting in my room when the door to my bedroom creaked open. I lifted my head and saw Sebastian walking across the room to me, taking me into his arms and carrying me to the washroom for my bath.

"Father, I know how to clean myself!" I said with a frustrated huff followed with a small cough.

"I know dear, but the young master has requested that someone washes you until you get better." He sighed, a look of concern on his face.

"CIEL ALEXANDER PHANTOMHIVE GET YOUR ARSE IN HERE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs despite my condition.

"What's wrong Sabrina? and could you please not yell louder? London doesn't need to hear of you!" Ciel said, his tone lightly laced in venom as usual.

"Yeah, Yeah. What's wrong is you asked for someone to wash me when you of all people know I am capable of cleaning mys-" before I could finish I had my head back in the toilet bowl. I felt someone put my hair in a bun. It was Cici. Once I was done with losing my lunch, Cici covered me in a soft blanket. I had to hide them from my dad, I'm not ready to tell him yet. I fretted as I stared down at the floor, Cici rubbing my back.

"There there my lady, it's alright! I brought all of your things here and set it up. Your art wall on the other hand..." She paused, thinking back to the now abandoned wall. I started to cry harder remembering all those paintings Elizabeth's mother burned while I was sleeping. "Lord Phantomhive... Do you think Lady Sabrina could have an art wall to entertain herself with until I can stretch some more canvases and build a new easel? She would be very thankful. Especially in the state she is in right now."

"I am alright with it. Sebastian, Do you have conditions to this?" Ciel said looking up at his butler.

"As a matter of fact I do. Bri, I will allow this to happen, but when I come to put you to bed, you will stay in bed. No All night painting. And if you're sick you will stay in bed unless the young master or I say so. Am I understood?" He said sternly.

"Yes I do! Now about bathing me, I have Cici." before I could say my peace, I was heaving into the toilet. My head finally appeared out from the toilet, tears of pain streaming down my face. I locked eyes with my cousin before he turned away, a look of pain and disgust on his face. I whimpered a bit before my head disappeared back into the bowl.

"I'm going to bathe lady Sabrina now. Please leave the room for now." Cici said, gently nudging Ciel and dad out of my bathroom.

"Thanks for all the help Cici... I haven't told him yet... I'm not ready..." I said as I started to tear up. I feel Cici take the blanket off me, the cuts on my arms looking swollen as if they were infected.

"My lady they look horrid! You might have caught something nasty if those are infected! You need to tell them!" Cici raised her voice in fright for her lady.

"I'M A DEMON CICI!" I yelled before quieting my voice so they will not overhear our conversation, "I'm not supposed to get sick over some damn cuts! I'm not supposed to be on my deathbed! I dont know whats wrong with me, Cici, but I'm so scared!" I exhaled desperately with tears flowing out of my eyes. Cici leans over and hugs me comfortingly.

"My lady, I know it's none of my business but you honestly need to tell them. They deserve to know." Cici said in a hushed tone. "Keeping it from them is not going to help the situation. You won't get any better if Sebastian doesn't know." Cici said, her arms still wrapped around me.

"You're right," I said pulling out of her warm embrace, "I need to tell them. Can I do it after my bath? I would like to take time to think about how I am going to tell them." I inquired feebly as she pulled away and started to draw the water for my bath.

"Yes, My Lady. But right after, I will go and retrieve both Master Ciel and Mr. Sebastian and you have to tell them." Cici said, 1 not breaking eye contact with me for a second.

"Yes Cici, I understand." I said looking down at my possibly infected cuts on my arm. I got in the bathtub and Cici began to wash my back.

(Time Skip because I can't think of words right now (Its after the bath and Sabrina is dressed and in Ciel's Study with him, Sebastian and Cici).)

"Okay... I called you all in here to tell you something... I have been keeping something from you Sebastian and you Ciel, since I met Ciel when I was younger and..." I trailed off and start to tremble.

"Get on with it Sabrina, I have things to do!" Ciel said with a voice full of venom. A single tear rolls down my cheek as I unzip my jacket and take it off revealing my pastel violet strapless dress along with my stretch marks and my cuts on my arms. At this point I am bawling my eyes out. My Father sees them and looks at me like i'm a stranger.

"T-this is what I h-have been h-hiding. This could be the reason i'm sick, but what I don't understand is how i'm sick from an infection. I'm a demon just like Sebastian is and yet i'm possibly dieing from an infection. Is this even possible?" I look at my father with bloodshot eyes. He doesn't even look at me. Great. I've scared him away as well! No shock there. I start to cry again and look at Cici. "I told you they would hate me. Just look at them. They can't even look at me." I said with tears flowing down my cheeks. I hope this infection takes over and I end up dead! Sebastian looked up. He can hear my thoughts. I ran out of the room and out of the manor as fast as my legs could carry me. I stopped in the middle of the forest and fell to my knees and bursted into tears once again.

A/N *Looses train of thought*

*Goes insane because of writer's block. decides to put shoe in fridge and blame writer's block. Mom opens fridge to find a shoe instead of Orange juice*

"Jessie, why is your shoe in the fridge?"

"I don't know. Blame my writer's block..."

*Mom facepalms and throws my shoe at me. I fall out of my chair trying to save my life. Mom and I both die of laughter*


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