Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Kellin POV

I awoke to quiet voices mumbling in the main area, where we spend most of our time. I could see Jesse & Gabe asleep in their bunks across the small aisle, so I knew who the voices belonged to. I thought I made out my name, so I kept my curtain closed, & listened for a moment or two.

"No, I'm saying it's not a good idea." That was Jack, for sure.

"Why not? If they're happy then fuck what anyone else thinks." Definitely Justin. Always defending someone.

"Look, he can't see his daughter anymore because of this, & the fate of both bands relies on it, man. They could fuck up everything."

"Jack, leave it alone. Seriously."

"Not only that, I'm not comfortable being in the same confined space," I could see him gesture to the bus, "with a fucking faggot for 2 months!"

That's when things got heated. I jumped out of my bunk, & rushed up to him.

"A fucking faggot?! Really?! How fucking old are you?! I thought we were supposed to be brothers until the end, no matter what! What the fuck happened to that?!" I could feel my face turning red & tears rimming my eyes. I was only inches away from him, screaming in his face.

"If you would just fucking listen, Kellin, then it wouldn't be an issue! Call Kate, tell her you were stupid & fix all this shit before everything gets fucked up & this band is done for!"

"No! Fuck you, Jack! I wanna be happy! I don't wanna fucking live with regrets, & if I take your advice, that's all I'll ever feel!" I screamed through gritted teeth.

"You're going to tear these bands apart, man. Do have any clue how many people you'll be letting down? What about all the kids that need our music to make it through?"

"If they really need us, they won't give a fuck what my sexuality is. Please, keep your nose out of my business."

"Or you could go tell Kate-" the next thing I knew, Jack was on the ground, holding his face, & Justin was holding my arms behind my back. Jesse & Gabe came stumbling out of their bunks in a hurry.

"What the fuck's going on?!" Jesse yelled, squinting his eyes at the light while Gabe tried to put on a shirt in a rush.

I could feel the tears start to flow down my face.

"Jack, he-he was giving Kellin shit & he got really...upset." Justin explained.

"Kellin, man, was it really so bad that you had to punch him like that?" asked Gabe, who was now knelt beside Jack, examining his jaw.

"Guys, I-he, I just...I'm sorry." I muttered through sobs, ripping my arms out of Justin's grip & running off the bus.

Once my feet hit the sidewalk, I turned left & I bolted. I didn't know where I was running to. Everything was a blur. I hardly saw my surroundings at all. I felt myself run into people, but I didn't stop to apologize. I was just so out of it. By the time I finally stopped, my legs felt like Jello & I collapsed on the grass next to the sidewalk. I wasn't there long before everything went black.

Justin POV

"Well, his jaw is very, very slightly cracked, but it shouldn't be a problem. He probably can't even tell." The doctor said with a bright, reassuring smile.

"Thanks, Doc." Jesse said as he patted Jack's shoulder. We followed the doctor out of the room & over to the counter where you pay. I looked back at Jack & said, "you know, since it's your own fault that you're here, you're paying." He nodded & whipped out his wallet, swiping his card. As we were walking out of the clinic, we saw Jeremy walk off of the A Day To Remember bus.

"Hey, Jer, what're you doing here?" Gabe asked.

"I heard about what happened between him," he gestured to Jack, "& Kellin. Jesse sent us to look for Kel, & we couldn't find him." He confessed, scratching his beard.

"Damn, how far could he have gone?" I asked worriedly. Jeremy shrugged.

"I don't know, man. We sent OM&M to the other side of town, & we haven't heard from them either."

"Are Pierce The Veil the only ones who don't know?" Jack asked, shocked.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I don't really want to be the one to tell Vic that his boyfriend's gone missing & no one can find him." I snapped back at him. Just then, Neil came running off the bus waving his free hand.

"Jeremy! Guys! Austin found him!"

Austin POV

"He's out cold, Neil. What do you want me to do?" There was a pause on his end of the line, interrupted by muttering voices, before he answered.

"Just load him up on your bus & bring him back to the venue. He's just upset; he'll be fine."

"Alright, man, see you later." I said as I hit end on my phone.

"Alan! Come help me." I sighed tiredly. He came running off the bus, his shaggy red hair gently bouncing with his movement. "Get his feet." I demand as I wrap my arms under Kellin's shoulders. Once we got his limp & seemingly lifeless body up off the ground & started moving, Tino came out & opened the door to give easier access. We gently laid Kellin down on the couch, & then we sat in chairs across from him. Alan turned his head to look at me.

"Now what? Where do we take him?"

"The venue."

"Do you think he's okay?"

"Yeah, man, he's just wiped. He ran for a few hours. He had to have ran for at least 2 hours straight for him to get this far away from all the buses."

"Yeah," He nodded in agreement as he crossed his arms, laid his head back, & closed his eyes, "I'm taking a cat nap. Wake me when it's show time." I rolled my eyes & moved my gaze over to Kellin. Honestly, he really did look dead, or at least deathly ill. His hair stuck to his face in sweaty clumps, his mouth was slightly open, & he didn't move in the slightest. You had to pay very close attention to even see him breathe. I felt bad for him. I mean, his own band mate had turned on him & admitted that he couldn't even stand to be around him. I couldn't imagine...just then, a slight movement from Kellin interrupted my thoughts. He slowly moved his face across the cushion with a quiet groan.



"No, it's Austin. How you feeling?"

"I-I need...V..Vi..."

"Hey, don't hurt yourself. We're taking you back right now. You'll be with him in about 20 minutes. " I think a small smile formed on his lips for a mere second, but he drifted back to sleep almost instantly. Poor guy.

{A/N: sorry it took so long for me to post chapters 7 & 8! I've actually had chapter 7 sitting around for awhile, but I wasn't sure if it was good or not:3 anyways, I hope you're enjoying the story^-^}

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