Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Kellin POV

Once I got off the plane in Massachusetts & gathered my bags, I walked around the corner to another car rental. This time I rented a black mustang. I drove it slowly for about 10 miles before I reached a hotel. The doors glided open as I dragged my bags along the glossy marble floor. The woman at the front desk flashed me a bright smile, which I returned warmly as she gave me a key to a room on the 3rd floor in exchange for my debit card.

"Have a great night, Sir!" She said perkily as she returned my card to me. I smiled again at her & lugged my bags into the elevator. When I arrived in my hotel room, I threw them down on the floor & whipped my phone out. I wanted to call Vic & let him know I had arrived. I attempted to get ahold of him 6 consecutive times, until I finally just called Jaime instead. He, unlike Vic, answered on the third ring.

"Kellin, did you make it alright?" He asked lightly.

"Yeah, thanks, man. Do you happen to know why Vic won't answer me? I've tried calling him more than once & he hasn't answered. Is he okay?"

"Oh, yeah, he's, um, he's just sleeping. He was so excited to see you that, um, he wanted tonight to go by faster." I felt a smile pull across my lips, although something in Jaime's tone told me that it wasn't completely true.

"That's great, um, if he wakes up, let him know that I'm here, & we'll talk after the show, okay?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem."

"Thanks, man. See ya." I said as I clicked end & plopped down on the bed. I curled up there, not bothering to change, & closed my eyes. I wanted tonight to go bye fast too.

--the next night at the show--

I stood on the balcony in the venue, where only security was allowed. Since I was confirmed to truly be a close friend of the bands performing, & a member of one of the bands who were supposed to be on the tour, I was allowed up there as well. I watched A Day To Remember & Of Mice & Men do their energetic performances first. Both bands always put on a damn good show, & it was thrilling to watch. Afterwards, Pierce The Veil came onstage & I felt my heart skip a beat. I could tell by the look on Vic's face that something was the matter. However, the moment he lifted his head to look out at the crowd, a huge smile spread across his face. & it was real. No matter what was wrong in this man's life, these crowds always brought a genuine smile to his face. They were his light in the dark, just as he was to them.

"Hello, Massachusetts! How are you tonight?! Are you fucking ready?!" He grinned into the microphone. The crowd erupted into a roar, & Vic, Jaime, Tony & Mike smiled bigger than I'd ever seen them smile. This crowd was incredible.

"How many of you guys have some shit going on in your life right now? Throw those fists in the fucking air!" The majority of the crowd raised their fists as high as they could, including Vic himself. I felt my heart break a little at the thought that there was something wrong in his life right now. What was it?

"I want you to be able to forget about whatever that shit is for awhile, just like I'm going to! I want this to be your wasteland, your only retreat!" The crowd erupted once again, recognizing the lyrics as the intro began playing for Hell Above.

"I cannot spend another night in this home. I close my eyes & take a breath real slow." I got lost in Vic's voice, & the emotion he threw into this song. It was more than he ever had before. The crowd sung along at the top of their lungs & you could tell they enjoyed every second of being there at the show. Before I knew it, Vic was saying his goodbye to the crowd.

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