Chapter 2- ~Don't Go~

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     You finally arrived at the Kame house. You landed lightly on the ground and collapsed. "Im so tired!!!" You groaned as you continued talking about how tired you were.
"So This is your friend eh?" You looked up with messy hair and looked at the man in front of you.
He was old. He looked like he was AT LEAST 70.
"I um...Hello." You managed to utter some words, Gohan told you he was perverted, but a great man.

You questoned it then, you still do.  Gohan laughed. "Have the others arrived?" He spoke out. Others? You were very shy in front of new people. He shook his head, "The Other's are training, for the day...But Krillin is here!" You stood up and tied up your hair. "

For what day?" You asked the Man, Who later introduced himsef as "Master Roshi" He was about to speak when Gohan blurted out something. You looked at him confused and laughed. He was so silly. You were then occupied by a large cute sea turtle. You were pacing around it, and trying not to get your flats wet. "Gee Master Roshi I'd love to stay...But I have to make it some place else.." Your eyes focused on him. "Where?" He glanced at up and smiled. "To the Top of the World."

       Gohan slowly walked towards you and in on fell sweep He swooped you up in his arms and flew straight in a flash up, past the clouds, ignoring your shireks and screams.
"G-GOHAN!!!!" You yelled as he finally came to a halt.
"Haha Sorry (Y/N)!!! The Sunset is perfect this time around~!"

      You opened your eyes slowly as you stared at the scene, Embraced in his warm arms, the clouds beneath you were fluffy and soft, the sky was a eerie pink mixed with some orange and reddish hues.

You thought to yourself, still in awe of the scene. You felt his touch, it was warm. He made you feel safe, like nothing in the world could break you down. You felt strong. The breeze flowed through your hair, it made you feel...somewhat more confident about yourself.

He let you hover on your own before grabbing your shoulders and staring into your glistening eyes.


"Yes Gohan?"

Your heart was beating, you averted your eyes, he was making you dead nervous.

"I need to tell you something "

"Anything Gohan..."

Your chest was burning, what did he want to say? The thoughts in that moment were big.

He staed intently into your eyes before he spoke softly.

"You know the Cell Games..I'm going..."

Your eyes opened larger than ever before and your heart clenched, on the verge of small tears.

"What...No! You can't Gohan! This is maddness! He...That bastard has killed so many people! You've seen it! Haven't you!?" You yelled, not thinking about his feelings. "I know..But...I'm a fighter (Y/N)! It's in my blood...They all expect it! You know I hate to!" You scoffed.

"If you hate it why are you going?" He sighed and looked down. The tense atmosphere had once again risen between you. It's happened before.

     You stared at him and quickly wiped away your tear and sniffled. "It's getting late." You were clearly angry, but he had won this argument. He nodded and looked at the sun.
"It's going to take at least an hour to get you home if we both fly..."
You looked at him. "I'm not a Saiyan." You snapped back.

"Promise me you won't say a word for at least a minute?" He stared at you and before you could answer  back, he grabbed you, powered up and flew faster than any rollercoaster you've been on. It was thrilling. He was thrilling. It made your stomach churn, but you couldn't help but smile right through the whole thing.

You arrived at your home and you were in front of your bedroom window. He landed gently and you jumped  right off. The cool evening air...You were chilly, but your body touching his, tucked safely in his arms, It made you extremely warm. You started opening your window before turning and facing him.

"(Y/N)...Can we go somewherre tommrow?" He asked politely

"I have school" You retorted. You were lying.

He looked down. "Listen...I know your upset, but I promise, I swear I won't get hurt okay..? Believe me! I'm...scared too..."

The words hit you hard. You made him feel worse than he already needed to be. Of course he was scared! That was only natural! He was trying to act strong, for your sake. Emotions flooded you and your face was frozen.

Thre was an awkard silence.

"Okay Gohan..I'll see you tommorow!"
You smiled big, trying to re-assure him, make him feel alright. It was the least  you could do. You let your emotions cloud your clear judgement, You were smarter than this.

His face lit up when he saw you smile. Nodding, he stepped off ground and was now hovering above the grass.
"It might be long...make sure you tell your dad!"
He flew off before you could answer. He knew how scary daddy could get. Laughing, you opened the widow and jumped inside.

It was a lot warmer in here. You quicky changed and landed softly on your bed. "Stupid Kid." You crawled under your sheets and turned the lights of and curled up together. You slowly drifted of into Dreamland, although reality was quickly shaping up to be just like your dreams


I'm sorry this chapter was really crappy XD I was so shocked that someone actualy liked this! Thank you❤️ That one comment motivated me! :D I will include the fillers that happened in the show! Sorry If I have any spelling mistakes as I am using an Ipad!  :)

Im trying to base this of some real life stuff xD I hope you enjoy sweet little Gohan!

-Juanita xoxo

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