girlfriend prt.1

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Jamal's p.o.v

Its been 3 days since the day me and Divine shared that precious moment in my room. Its like for the whole weekend she has been trying to avoid me, but today that's gonna end. See we haven't been to school in a week because of the shit that went down with Divine and her moms and stuff but I'm dropping that ass off so she gonna talk to me.

"You ready ma." I shouted up the stairs.

"Yeah." She looked so damn beautiful I just wish she could see what I did.

She had one a baby blue dress on, and some silver sandals, with her hair up in a messy bun with no make. Damn!!! Ma is a blessing.

She looked at me up and down, and I assumed she was looking at my clothes.

"Your not going to school?."

"Naw ma I'm going over to the trap today."

"Oh...can we go."

"Damn no good morning or nothing." I can tell she was getting nervous because she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Sorry...good morning Jamal." I laughed.

"That's better baby girl... How you doing?."

"Fine but I'm going to be late."

"Oh yeah let's go."

I turned the lights and shit off, and we walked out the house, when we got to the my ford truck I open the door for my baby and then walked over to the drivers side and got in. I've been needing to talk to Divine though she's like my princess and I feel the need to be her prince, I mean a nigga ain't whipped but I got love for ma and I'm not trying to let that go, and I would never want anything to happen to her.

As we were on the rode I broke the silence.

"Divine talk to me ma you been so quiet ever since our private-" she cut me off.

"Jamal can we just put that behind us we were high."

"Look baby I'm not trying to make you feel awkward but I got feelings for you and I'm not about to keep hiding it from you." I told her in all seriousness, I know that were just getting to know each other but I feel like I've known her all my life and this feeling I have for her is unknown and I want to explore it more...dang she got a nigga soundin soft.

"Jamal were is all this coming from...I just understand you I mean I've had a crush on you for years and I was to shy to tell you, then when I ran away you just invited me on in to your home as if you knew me forever, I refuse to let my heart be broken I will not let that happen, I'm to good of a person and I've been through to damn much for some thug nigga to hurt me."

I mean ma just let her feelings go she just don't know how attractive it was but I ain't no pussy ass nigga. I laughed to my self and then pulled over.

"Look I'm sorry If you took that the wrong way but I'm not going to apologize for me telling the truth and expressing my feelings....why did you pull over anyway Jamal I'm going to be late."

I took my self belt off and reached over to pull her chin towards me.

"Look Divine I've heard all the shit telling me and that's okay but don't ever get it twisted that a nigga like me is liein when I tell you what I'm feeling its the damn truth baby girl I'm the most cold hearted ruthless niggardly you ever meet and when I pour my heart out like that its the got damn truth....understand?."

"Yes." She said almost above a whisper and looked scared as shit, and that was exactly what I wanted.

"Good now let's get you to school baby girl."

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