Beach Day!

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*Your POV
You giggled and fell asleep. You woke up the next morning and looked at your clock. 6:47 am. You sighed knowing that you had to get up. You remembered that you get to see mark today. You put on a blue swim suit with white stars on it. (Picture Above) For cover up you put on blue shorts and a white shirt that says, 'I have nothing to wear.' You giggled while looking at the shirt. You quickly threw the stuff on and brushed your hair and teeth. You the headed to the living room. You sat on the couch and turned up the volume. But not to loud sence everyone else was asleep. You started to daydream about marks hot beach bod. You cringed at the thought. You quickly woke up from it as you heard your stomach growl. You already knew how to cook from the orphanage so you decided to make everyone bacon and eggs. When you were done you set the food at the table. As soon as you were done they walked in. "Whats that smell?" Matthias said tiredly. "I made bacon and eggs for everyone!" You were quite excited to see how they liked it. Matthias's eyes almost popped out of his head when uou said bacon. He rushed to the table and sat down. He ate his bacon so quick its like he didnt even chew it! He then devoured his eggs. "Oh my gosh (Y/N)! This is really good! When did you learn how to cook?" "Well in the orphanage I was in, sence (F/N) and I were the oldest girls there, we both had to wake up at 4:30 am every morning to cook and serve food." "This is amazing! Thank you!" "No problem! Its the least I could do for all the stuff you and Amanda have given us!" Amanda and (F/N) walked into the kitchen. "Ill cook breakfast. What do you guys want? Oh! Someone already cooked breakfast!" She sat down and took a bite. "Whoa! Who made this? This is super good!" Amanda said while devouring all of her food. "(Y/N) did! Its amazing right?" Matthias said with a smile across his face. "Wow (Y/N)! You have a talent! Where did you learn this?" I told Amanda thw same thing thar I told Matthias. "Well everybody get ready for the beach!" "I already am!" "Good! You can watch some tv while the rest of us get ready." "Ok!" You turned on the tv and turned on your favorite show. Steven universe. *Sorry if you've never heard of thid show or if you dont like it! Its just my favorite show and if you haven't seen it yet I really recommend that you watch it! And if you dont like it just pretend. And if you haven't heard the theme song before, watch it up above so you know the tune*
Then the theme song played as you sang along.

We, Are the crystal gems! We'll always save the day! And if you think we cant, we'll, always find a way! Thats why the people of this world, belive in, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven!
The theme song was over and you watched the show. It was a new episode called sadies song. *Actual new episode btw*
You were in the middle of it when someone knocked on the door. You opened the door to see mark standing right there. "Uh... Who are you?" Mark asked questioningly. I raised an eyebrow and I called Matthias. "Matthias! Mark is here!" Mark raised an eyebrow at me. "Who are you?" Mark asked again. I just let him in and walked away. "Matthias!!!" "Im coming (Y/N)! Hold your horses!" You giggled. (F/N) walked in and you both watched steven universe together. "Is this the new episode?" "Yep." "Cool!" You sat watching as Mark just stood by the door for a minute until Matthias and Amanda came out. "Hey guys!" Mark said to Matthias and Amanda. "Hey mark." "Hey Matthias... who are they?" "Oh yea. We forgot to tell you. Mark, This is (Y/N)," Matthias pointed to you and you waved. "And this is (F/N)." He pointed to her and she waved to. "Yeah but... why are they here?" "Oh yeah. Mark we adopted them yesterday." "What???" Mark said with a surprised look on his face. "Yea? Why? Is there something wrong with that?" "No. Its just that you two are the last people I would've expected to adopt anyone." Matthias and Mark laughed. "Oh and (Y/N)... How did you know my name?" "Oh yea. Two reasons. Number one, Matthias talks about you all the time. And number two, I love your youtube channel." "Wow that's weird." Mark said. "Whats weird? " Matthias said while raising an eyebrow. "Well your kids are fans and im surprised that they didnt trample my when they opened the door!" Mark smiled and giggled. "Well what are we waiting for? Lets go to the beach!" Matthias yelled as everyone else cheered. "I call shotgun!" (Y/N) said. "What? I have to sit in the back with them?" He pointed at Matthias and (F/N). Everyone laughed. I sat in the front with Amanda and (F/N) sat in between Matthias and Mark. "Help me! It stinks back here!" (F/N) yelled as Matthias and Mark both made an offended face. "Excuse you? We do not stink! Thats our natural man musk!" Mark says in the most manly voice he can do. "Excactly. Thats why it stinks!" Everyone started to laugh again. When we arrived at the beach, (F/N) and I carried everything out of the car while everyone else was already down at the beach. "Wow thanks for helping guys!" You yell down at them and you both giggle. When you both got down to the beach everyone was laughing. "Wow! How did you guys lift all of that stuff down here?" Matthias said surprised. "Well at the orphanage there was a gym and we lifted some weights." "Whoa." You all jumped into the water. You and (F/N) were sitting on the shore building sand castles but then it was lunch time. You all ate then you guys figured that it would be time to go.
*TimeSkip To House
"Thank you guys so much for inviting me!" Mark said as he walked out of the door. "Yes! I got to see that hot beach bod!" Everyone was laughing so much. It was finally night and everyone went to bed. You laid down in your bed as you drifted off to sleep. I wonder what adventures await for me...
(A/N) Omfg guys! This chapter has +1000 words! Im so proud! Highfive! Nobody? Ok. *highfives self* thank you guys so much for reading!

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