Chapter 2

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I grabbed the back of his head pulling him closer and kissing him hard. His lips were firm under mine for half a second before he relaxed, but he still wouldn't kiss me back.
I ran my tongue over his bottom lip, biting it gently; he opened his mouth and I took that as an invitation, pushing my tongue past his lips.
I pushed against him as his hand slid under my hair and he pushed me back against the counter as his tongue searched my mouth.

Then he seemed to have a change of heart. He pulled back pushing me away as he did, shaking his head.

"I can't do this, Bree, it's-" he shook his head again "You're Mike's daughter..."

"And Mike's daughter is a grown woman...Billie"

"That's not the point, Bree" he said shaking his head again

"Then what is the point, Billie Joe?"

He frowned at me, or probably the use of his full name and sighed "B, I..."

I shook my head this time "It's fine...I get it...why compromise over thirty years of friendship" I asked as I pushed around him, deliberately pushing against him as I moved "For a few nights of incredible sex?" I leaned closer to his ear "With a willing-"


"Where did your sudden morals come from?" I asked "Twelve hours ago you were picturing what I look like naked while sitting on the couch next to Dad and now I'm offering myself to you on a platter and you don't want me?"

Billie turned around to face me shaking his head "It's not that"

"Then fuck me, right here, on the kitchen table, right now"


The kitchen light flicked on and Billie and I both turned to look at the door. Dad stood there in a pair of his old ratty pajama pants squinting against the light.

"Why the hell are you standing in the dark?" Dad asked his voice thick with sleep.

"I'm going to bed" I answered walking around Dad giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Your Twizzlers are on the counter, goodnight, Daddy"

"Night..." he answered, clearly confused

"Goodnight, Billie Joe" I called over my shoulder.

He didn't answer at all, I just climbed the stairs to my room and closed the door just enough, leaving it open a crack so I could see when Billie finally decided to go to bed.

I got changed and crawled into bed watching the hallway as I heard Billie coming up the stairs.
He paused in front of my door for a minute before he continued up the hallway to his room.

I sighed rolling over on my side and closed my eyes waiting for sleep.


The next morning I woke up and glanced down the hallway, Billie's bedroom door was closed ninety percent of the way, which meant he was still sleeping.

I went downstairs to the kitchen finding a note on the island from Dad.

Make sure Billie's up by noon, I'll bring home coffee

I looked at the clock on the microwave and it read 11:06.

Dad's note said he was bringing back coffee, but I couldn't wait that long.
I made another pot and poured myself a cup.
I sat at the island scrolling through my laptop sipping from my mug.
I heard someone come in behind me and turned in my chair to see Billie, half dressed, his hair a mess.

"Morning" he muttered not really looking at me

"Morning..." I smiled turning back to my computer "How did you sleep?"

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