Chapter 4

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I looked up as Dad came in with a frown

"Are you alright?"

I nodded "Fine...just got a little light headed"

"Are you feeling okay, maybe you're getting sick?"

"I feel fine, Dad"

"Are you sure?" He asked "Billie and Tré can do the-"

"Daddy, I'm sure" I laughed a little "I just got a little dizzy, that's all; you don't need to cancel your interview"

"Are you sure?" He asked again "Because I can"

"Yes." I laughed a little; if he knew the real reason why he would probably kick Billie's head in and ground me for life.

Ever since mom died though, if I got sick or even remotely felt like I was going to be sick, Dad went into full on protective papa bear mode. It made me giggle when it was something like a stomach ache, but when I was really sick I definitely appreciated the extra attention.
I think most of it had to do with the fact that when she was alive, mom was the one who took care of both of us when we were sick, and Dad didn't feel like he knew how, so it was all or nothing.


Fifteen minutes later I sat at the island with Billie's tie around my neck tying it and untying it when he came in looking for it.

"You're doing that wrong..."

I looked up at him as I untied it again. "Then teach me, Mr Expert"

"Stand up" he motioned

I got to my feet, his tie draped over my shoulders.

"Turn around."

I turned now facing away from him and he stood directly behind me, his chest pressing against my back.

He reached around me, turning the tie to face the right way and leaned forward, his cheek right next to mine.

"You cross it over the front, and then behind..." I watched his hands move as he spoke "Then in front again and through the top..." I lifted my chin, the bun on top of my head bumping his shoulder "Through the loop..." He continued "And pull"

His fingers on one hand brushed against my neck as he tightened it, the fingers on his other hand brushing my chest as he smoothed out the tie.

I turned around to face him and he loosened the knot just enough to pull it over my head and slip it over his own.

"Easy..." He smiled straightening it out

Dad came in behind Billie pulling on the black vest he wore when he had anything that had to do remotely with publicity.

"You coming?" He asked me

I shook my head "To watch Billie strut around like a prima Donna?" I asked "No thanks, I can do that at home"

Billie just made a face at me and Dad grabbed his keys and wallet. "We'll be home in a few hours"

I nodded "I probably won't be here when you get back; I have to go pick up my car from Lola's"

He nodded and followed Billie out to the garage "Behave" he said over his shoulder as he pulled the door closed.

"You took my fun with you," I muttered "I don't have a choice..."


I walked up the street from the bus stop to Lola's place and she had the door open before I was even up the driveway.


I laughed "Hi"

She came running down her front steps grabbing me by the shoulders. "Jesus Christ, just when I thought your dad couldn't get any sexier"

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