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DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Scorch Trials and/or the Maze Runner. All arches belong to James Dashner. Ingrid Clearwater is my creation, and all plots revolving her are written by me. Please do not reproduce her character in any way shape or form, otherwise legal actions may have to be taken.

You may think I'm harmless. You could not be more wrong. Careful what you do, I'm just a ticking timebomb.

       Ingrid Clearwater was notoriously known among the others as a teenage girl with a fire rooted into her that could not be put out. That label stuck with her throughout her whole being, ever since the day of her mother's death. Since that horrendous day, her mind wandered off into intoxicating darkness, swallowing her whole.

Due to the dark heart she used as a way to shield herself, she became regarded as one of the strongest Gladers Assistant Director Janson, her leader, had ever met. She soon became appointed as his sidekick, helping him to welcome other teenagers once they escaped a test they underwent called the Maze. The brunette realized she was growing to be stronger than ever, fighting off others easily with her trusty bow and arrow.

But, the dark heart she uses to guard her soul, soon becomes burdened with secrets that were kept from her. A boy named Thomas is eager to show her the secrets that had been hidden, hoping to get Ingrid on his side, to understand. The reality is, though, Ingrid would never fully comprehend it.

As it would only happen, and only when, the aforementioned girl finds that the secrets that lie around her need to be demolished, she sides with her so-called enemies, on a journey to redeem herself. Ingrid expects a fight to the sudden death, a fight where she will become stronger. Although that would definitely occur, Ingrid Clearwater was certainly not expecting to find pieces of herself in the one boy, Thomas, who was obliterating everything she had left.

       Because once Thomas lights the fuse that had always been planted inside Ingrid, she was going to explode.


AUTHORS NOTE:: I am Thomas trash.

That is all.

Dedicated to @lucidstiles for inspiring me to actually publish this. :)

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