1. Night terror

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Hi guys! So, I know this is a very short first chapter, but I'm just testing this story out! It's not the kind of thing I usually write, but I fancied doing something fun. Let me know if you think this is worth continuing! Lots of love!  Alex xx

P.s unedited so go easy on me!



Everything is dark and cold. The world around me seems to shiver slightly as I look up through my long dark lashes. Where am I and where's my mummy and daddy? The floor beneath my feet is dirty and feels gritty between my toes. The air smells tangy and metallic, almost like the Taste of tinfoil when you bite it.

"Mum" I shout as loudly as I can "dad"

Nothing, just the return of my own voice echoing off a distant wall.

"Muuuuumm" I cry again.

I can feel tears falling coldly down my cheeks and I sniffle a little. Then I see it, a foreign shape in the distance. A heap in the far corner of the cavernous room. I slowly walk towards it, for some reason I'm breathing heavily and the walls tremble around me.

"Mum?" I whisper as I approach the heap.

Suddenly something in the form moves and long dark hair gives way to piercing blue eyes, my mothers red rimmed eyes.

"Run Jess!" she yells with fear thick in her voice "RUN!"

I shoot upright in bed and take a deep breath, hunters arm lays heavily over my waist and he wakes immediately from my sudden movements.

"It's just a dream Jessie" he says gruffly, sleep thick in his voice "you ok?"

I take a slow steadying breath, this is nothing new to either of us. I've had the same dream for as long as I can remember. That's the whole reason Hunters here.

"Yeah" I sigh.

He gives me one last glance before grabbing my arm and engulfing me in his hard muscular chest.

"Good, now calm down and go back to sleep! I'm so tiered." He groans.

With that he rests his head on mine and immediately starts to softly snore. I wish I could sleep like that but it was much worse before he started sleeping in my bed. I Used to scream the pack house down when I was younger. No one knows the reason I don't now is the young alpha snoring (and possibly drooling) on my head. If they knew... Well they'd assume things, things that are wrong.

You see, Hunters been sleeping in my bed since I was eight. One night when the terror had me in its grip and I was screaming lost in sleep, he just climbed in and comforted me. He's done the same thing for the past nine years, and tomorrow I turn eighteen. I take a deep calming breath and inhale my favourite smell, cut grass and something darker, more musky, he smells like home. I feel much safer in his arms than any other time of the day.

I snuggle down into his chest and feel his morning wood twitch against my stomach, I know he can't help it, but God it freaked me out when we were younger... Talk about awkward conversations. I throw my leg over his waist and press myself against him. I know it's wrong, it's not like we're mates or anything, I mean we don't even talk during the day? But I like the feel of him against me whilst he sleeps, the closer the better. and it's lying like this, as close to hunter as I can get, that I finally drift back to sleep.

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