6. Are we out of the woods?

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A/N : Hi guys! Well that was a steamy chapter in the forest ! I hope you enjoyed it as there's more of the same to follow :) So sit back and cross your legs, the wolves are out to play ! As ever I'd love to hear what you think ? The more comments and votes I see the more I want to update :) hope you like this next chapter ! Love you guys Alex xxx


His eyes are a flaming red like someone poured blood on his reflective golden soul. He twitches his lip up in a snarl, if I stand here for a minute longer I'm his. I turn on my heel as fast as I can and run for the trees. The forest floor is harsh against my bare feet, every branch and stone adding to the tapestry of scratches.

I hear his pounding footsteps close behind me I can't out run him for long, his every step is twice my own. I look up and search for a low branch that I can climb, I know I can't beet him on the floor but in the trees my slight frame will work to my advantage. I find my target and jump as high as I can grabbing the rough branch just in time to swing my legs over and reach for the next.

I continue this pattern for several minutes till I reach the top of the tree and jump to the next. These branches only just support my weight and would surely snap under hunter. I look around searching for him below me, praying he's not too close. Nothing, I see nothing. Just fern, Bark and autumn leaves.

"Hunter?" I call out into the trees. Silence. "Hunter? Are you there?" A sudden panic hits my gut as my eyes franticly look for him. What if he left ? What if he realised what a huge mistake he made and took off for the pack house? He may never speak to me again out of embarrassment, what if he blames me for all of this and I'm kicked out of the pack? I can't be alone again, I just, I can't.

A lone tear escapes my eye and I begin to sob. "Hunter!" I yell to the air as I sob uncontrollably now. "Please, please don't leave me alone again !" I swipe my dirty arm across my face and taste the salt of my tears. "Please?" I cry. I clutch onto the trunk of the tree and hug it close for some sort of comfort. I've never felt so naked and vulnerable as I do now, even the scraping of the bark against my chest goes unnoticed.

I hear a rustling from the branches behind me and spin around to investigate. There he sits in the tree to my left crouched down resting on his toes, a coiled spring waiting to release. Just like that he leaps and grabs the tree trunk just below me. I watch as every tight muscle in his powerful form moves and constricts a beautiful melody of movement.

I'm so mesmerised by his naked form that I forget that I was running from him. Within moments he's pulled me down to his level and engulfed me in his strong arms. Even though I'm scared I instantly relax into his hold and breath deeply in his welcoming scent. A squeal escapes my lips as he roughly throws me over his shoulder and leaps from the tree, landing with a thud and crunch of fallen leaves.

"Mine" he growls out. Holding me once again tightly in his arms. He pushes my face into his warm chest and cradles my behind in his other hand. A low and menacing growl sounds from his beautiful lips again as he sniffs deeply. Suddenly he pulls me from his chest and lays me on the damp forest floor. His eyes search hungrily over my whole body as he examines me thoroughly.

I know there's no point in fighting him anymore, he is not in control and his wolf is much stronger than mine. He grabs one of my feet and brings it to his face, before I have chance to protest he licks along the cuts littering my heel and toes. He takes his time to clean and heal each one before making his way up my left leg. His hand tightly grips my leg as his face makes its way up the inside of my thigh.

God this is a turn on, having his lips so close to my core makes my insides clench and I feel myself getting wet. Everywhere he touches my body feels like it's on fire, his tongue tracing flames across my stomach. His nostrils flare and his eyes meet my own, I know he's smelt my arousal and my cheeks flame red in embarrassment. Suddenly he's on top of me and I feel the weight of him pushing me further into the leaves.

He presses his head into the crook of my neck and inhales deeply again. "Hunter, please don't?" I beg him, praying that a part of him can hear me. It seems that it can as he quickly stands and looks around, shaking his head as if in a battle within himself. I drag my knees to my chest and try to regain my breath. I still want him, but not like this. Not with him out of control and blood drunk.

"Hunter?" I ask again, trying to judge if he's winning the battle that's raging inside. A distant howl catches both of our attentions as we gaze back towards the pack. I glance over to him and see the panic in his eyes, we can't be caught like this. Without saying a word he grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder again as he starts to run deeper into the forest towards the mountains.

I completely give in to him and go limp, he moves so quickly through the trees that I grow dizzy staring at the floor. Instead I glance at his beautiful behind just below my head, he is an Adonis. Every step he takes is graceful as he flows through the trees, an unstoppable force. I can tell we're headed towards the cliff face that meets the forest and sea, the rock littered with caves. His wolf must want to hide me in a den, this worries me greatly as there will be no escape for me there.

The dappled light that falls through the tree branches is quickly replaced by utter darkness and I know we've entered a cave.
"Hunter?" I ask as he slows and lowers me onto the floor in front of him. Even in the darkness my wolf sight lets me see quite well. He stands tall and shaking before me. His eyes are practically glowing in the darkness and his breaths are deep and laboured as he try's to regain control.

With a shaking hand I reach out and touch his cheek. He instantly leans into my touch as if on instinct. His eyes meet mine and I could cry from the pain I see reflected in them. He is fighting hard to keep control over his wolf and it's hurting him deeply. I run my thumb along his stubbled jaw to try to sooth him.
"Oh Hunter, it's ok" I breath "it's gonna be ok!" I try to reassure him. The truth is i don't really understand what's happening, I've never heard of an alpha loosing control like this? I really don't understand what's happening and I wouldn't know how to start to get out of this mess.

"I need you to let me go" I pause as he instantly growls at my words and I feel the vibration and power of it in my fingers "listen, I will go back to the house, sneak into the change room and back upstairs. No one will care that I've been gone, then you can make your way back to the front? It's you that they'll be looking for, no one will assume we were together?" He seems to like this idea even less as I'm suddenly drawn to his chest as his arms possessively wrap around my still bare torso. He's so warm and comforting to touch, but I know this is wrong.

"No!" He growls out "Mine!" His voice is a warning and I know I'm not getting through to him.
"Ok" I say defeatedly, I guess I'm just going to have to hope he regains control before the pack finds us. This seems to satisfy him some what and his growls stop as he buries his head in my neck and nuzzles his nose into my hair.
"Mine" he repeats more to himself than for my benefit. With that he grabs my thighs just below my ass and lifts me up, my legs instantly wrapping around his torso. My centre deadly close to him as my nub rubs against his stomach and a small Moan escapes my lips.

"Jess" he grunts out as his whole body tightens under my own. My name is a plea, a begging call from a desperate man. My name is my undoing as I lose my self in his arms and hold on to him as tightly as I can. A gentle sob escapes me and I feel tears fall onto my cheeks, it's all just too much and I feel so tiered. In his tight embrace I feel safe and totally consumed. I feel him lower us to the ground and wrap his body around mine. There on the damp cave floor I give into the exhaustion, I feel my world growing darker and I let it take me to the quiet.

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