3.Candle Light

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A/N: Hi guys! As ever thank you so much for reading and for bearing with me as I get into this new story! I'm actually really enjoying writing this and seeing where it goes and I promise to update as often as I possibly can! I would love to know what you think is going on and your predictions?? I love to hear from you in general, every comment I get just makes me want to write a little bit more J so comment and vote and let me know what you think !

Love you guys Alex xx


I pad over to my closet and pick out a simple red summer dress with white polka dots. The sweetheart neck glides over my full breasts and the tie bow pinches in at my small hour glass waist. Normally I'd never wear something like this, normally I'm an all black T's and jeans kind of girl! But it's my birthday and I want to feel different, I bought this dress especially.

I pair the dress with simple red ballet pumps and my little silver moon necklace. I dry my long strawberry blonde hair roughly and let my loose curls hang down my back. I don't bother with makeup, to be honest I don't own any. No mother has ever taught me how to make the most of what I've got, or how to be a girly girl.

I stand back and examine the reflection of a girl in the mirror, for a brief moment I forget it's me. I barely recognize the woman in front of me. I've never really considered myself pretty but if there was ever a day I might have, it was today. Hunters sure to notice this.

I swallow my nerves spray on some random sweet perfume and hurry out of the door before I change my mind. I cross the long landing and stand at the top of the grand staircase listening to the hum of the full house. Plates clatter, children laugh and the pack rumbles through their morning routine.

"WOW" Alex gasps in front of me as he stands at the base of the stairs gazing up with an open mouth "Jesus Christ, you look amazing Jess!"

"Thanks" I mumble my cheeks surely turning red. Maybe this was a bad idea, before I can turn back to change Alex runs up the stairs and grabs hold of my hand trailing me behind him.

"Seriously Jess, you look ... You look stunning, you look like a girl!" He almost squawks in my ear.

"Thanks Alex, I guess that's kind of a complement?" But he doesn't seem to hear my remark, instead he stops dead in front of me and takes a deep breath in. When he turns around his eyes shine the bright green of his wolf. I take a step back in shock at his sudden change. "Alex? What's wrong?"

He shakes his head and mumbles something to himself before his eyes slowly fade back to hazel. "Jess" he stares at me again "you smell incredible!" He whispers.

"Ermm thanks, I guess?" I mutter back looking at my feet. Can this morning get anymore strange " I guess it's this new body wash and perfume I bought the other day?" I say slightly confused; he's never noticed me change my products before.

"Hmm" he says as he gazes of into space seemingly lost in thought "yeah that must be it" suddenly he engulfs me in his arms and pulls me to his chest. All the boys are so much taller than me. It's a wolf thing, only I never really hit my growth spurt. My current height being a measly 5.5" in comparison to Alex's 6.1" and Hunters 6.4". No I'm a midget in comparison to the other wolves, not that I really mind that much. I like to hide in plain sight ... But not today.

Alex releases me as suddenly as he grabbed hold and I'm sure I hear him sniff my hair again as he does.
"Happy birthday Jess!" He grins returning to his usual self "eighteen and beautiful"
This time I know I'm blushing as he grabs my hand and leads me into the hustling kitchen.

There's a possibility that I'm being a little paranoid but I'm sure the kitchen goes a little quite as we walk in, I wonder idly to myself how Alex has managed to piss them all off today. He's always in some kind of trouble or pissing someone off. Where as I've always hid from the crowd and the judgmental gazes he seems to live for the limelight. Living his life as a show that some one really aught to charge admission for, I think that's why Hunter dislikes him so much.

Alex clears his throat and everyone returns to what they where doing, a few girls casting hateful glances my way. Alex is a handsome guy, but he's never been more than a friend to me. I see him more as a big brother than anything else. The thought of him in another way makes me feel a little ill. I cast these thoughts away and take my regular morning seat at the kitchen bar and pour myself a bowl of cereal from the large container in front of me, todays choice is coco puffs or cornflakes, coco puffs wins' hands down.
"so" Alex mumbles as he sits down beside me with a mouth full of pancakes "what's a girl like you doing in a kitchen like this" half his food drops out of his mouth as he spits his words at me and I slap him across the shoulder.

"You know one day you might want to learn how to swallow your food you know?" I say dripping with sarcasm as I glance at him from the corner of my eye "or maybe just some manners" We both laugh at this and he shoves his arm around my shoulders and tickles my side with his other hand.

A low deep growl sounds from behind us. Alex quickly drops his arms to his sides as we both turn around to find the source of the intimidating sound. Hunter stands a few steps behind us, his nostrils flaring as his eyes flicker with black and gold, a candle lit in his beautiful face.

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