9. Heat waves

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A/N: Hi guys! I know this chapter has been a long time coming and I left you on a real cliff hanger. Well here's the next installment. Its short because I still haven't had time to work on it much, but I thought id give you what I've got! as ever don't be a silent reader I love to hear what you think! Alex xx


I sit down next to him and look at my pink healing toes. I hear a distant howl and we both gaze towards the slightly open window. Our time is running short.

"Ok you need to get out, put some clothes on and sneak out the window!" I exclaim "there's your spare morning clothes under the bed. You can go out into the woods and call the pack... I'm not sure exactly what you'll tell them... But you're the next alpha, they have to believe what ever you say right?" Hunter is unmoving, I continue our one sided conversation "Maybe you can say that your wolf took control and you needed to run? No, no that will make you look weak." I pause "you can say that...you were on the scent of a deer and got carried away? Or that your farther sent you out on secret pack business!" I gulp "oh crap, your farther! He's going to be furious." Hunter focuses on me suddenly and I feel the heat in his eyes.

"He does not control me!" He puts a lot of emphasis on the He and I feel his dominance rising again. A shiver runs down my back. Mistaking this for coldness he pulls me to his body. His musky scent is weak beneath the perfumed oils from the bath but it still makes me tingle. Involuntarily I nuzzle my nose into his neck and breath him in. A low growl emits from deep in his chest and I realize I've started something again, that lead to a lot of trouble earlier.

"Jess" he utters in a voice so low I barely recognize it "I'm done lying" he continues "I will tell them the truth." He says with utter conviction.

"And what may I ask is that?! I don't know about you, but I haven't got a freaking clue what's going on?" I reply "so what the hell will you say?"

He pauses briefly "I will say that I have found my mate, I will say that you are the new Luna of this pack!"

I'm so shocked that I don't know what to say, my mind goes blank and I'm not sure how long it is before I regain conscious thought. The most intelligent thing I come up with is an open mouthed "What?"

He smiles slightly at that "I said that you are my mate!" He declares " I knew it as soon as I saw you today, you smelled so enticing? Like something sweet and sticky but salty as well. Like I wanted to eat you and kiss you all at once!" With that he looses himself in thought.

I look back at him doubtfully "No Hunter I'm not your mate." He growls deeply at this and I see the pain and hurt deep in his eyes. "No I'm not rejecting you or anything like that, so just calm down!" I take a steadying breath and continue "Alex and the other wolves were weird with me today as well, he thought I smelt weird. God even I can smell it!" He meets my gaze again but this time with confusion.

"That runt is not your fucking mate!" He spits, his confusion quickly turning to rage.

"No he isn't" I reply "but you might not be either? I think there's something wrong with me. Maybe I'm in heat."

He twitches his lips at that and sniffs the air. "That's impossible? Only mated wolves go into heat? Not eighteen-year-old unmated girls?"

"No" I agree "they don't, but how else can you explain this? Normally a woman in heat is in seclusion with her mate, we never smell her, never see the effects?"

I continue "but I'm having waves of heat that rush over me, I smell weird and you're all reacting to me? I summoned your wolf and my emotions are ever changing." I stop and can see him thinking about this.

"Do you think it's my fault?" He questions "every part of me is screaming to..." He pauses and looks to the floor "to make you mine, to mark your neck and take your body."

I wrap my robe tighter still around my frame, my embarrassment returning as my heat recedes. "No, I mean maybe but I just don't know how this has happened. All I know is we need help!"

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