10. Blood sweat and tears

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A/N: Wow thank you guys so much for the support with this book! I love hearing how much you're enjoying reading it and your theories! If anyone is interested I'm also writing another book called "Nurture" which has 8 chapters uploaded on Wattpad and I'd love to hear what you think of it? It's a dystopian romance and will soon be as hot as "The mate in my bed"! Ok thanks for reading and let me know what you think! Every vote means so much to me so thank you ❤️ Alex xx

As soon as the words leave my lips I hear a crash downstairs, someone else has come back to the house. maybe the whole pack or perhaps single scout it's difficult to tell. Hunter leaps up and shoves me behind him protectively raising his chin and sniffing the air.
"Jess?" I hear shouted from downstairs "Jess?" Again this time closer still. I recognise the voice the second time and I can feel the tension brewing as Hunter begins to snarl towards the door.

Without a knock or any warning the door bursts open and Alex pushes his way in to my room.
"Jess thank god you're ok-" He manages to get out before noticing the situation in front of him. The skin on the back of hunters neck trembles as his muscles shiver beneath. I can see the blush of blood rising to his head as he's trying to keep control.

"What do you want pup!" He growls out in a voice I know belongs to the beast and not the man. I take a step to the side and instantly regret it as Hunters lip recoils showing long bared teeth flashing as he growls lowly again.
"Jesus Christ Hunter, what the hell man? Alex croaks as he stares at the floor. "What the hell is going on here?"

"None of your fucking business that's what!" Hunter yells spreading his legs a little in an attack pose. I can see him crouching slightly ready to pounce, I need to defuse this situation fast before things get out of hand.

"Alex go, get out now!" I beg and try to look him in the eye but his eyes are still trained on the ground, an act of submission. "You need to leave."
All of a sudden he becomes more aware of me and stops submitting to the beast in front of him. His eyes wander up my bare legs and roam the robe I clutch tightly to my chest. He lifts his chin slightly more and sniffs the air. "Mine!" He growls his eyes flashing silver and black. Crap Crap Crap! Before I have time to process his words Hunter leaps.

Shedding my robe as he pounces on a distracted Alex, his long claws slashing across Alex's shirt leaving red lines streaming down his front. Hunter has him on the floor in an instant, Alex not even having chance to shift before I taste the metallic mist of blood in the air.
"Hunter no!" I scream "stop please god stop!" I can feel hot tears scorching down my face as I leap up to try and pull him off.

As soon as I'm on my feet the fever takes hold of my body, my toes are scorching where they clutch onto the carpet. My hair is plastered to my head as sweat beads down my face and along the nape of my neck. I'm too hot, I can't focus on anything but the burning of my body. My core aches and throbs in pain, please God someone take away the pain! I hear a scream escape my lips as I tear the towels from my body, I can't bear them touching me!

Nothing is relieving this hot ache inside me. It's as if there's a fire in my belly, flames licking at my skin from the inside. I can no longer control my legs and like jelly they give out beneath me. I land in a heap gasping for breath on the floor as blackness creeps in at the corners of my vision. The last thing I see is Hunters worried face above me as blood drips from his lips and splashes on my exposed breasts.



God it must be morning, I can hear the constant beep of Hunters alarm. I nuzzle in deeper to him and grown in frustration when I realise there is just a pillow beneath my head.
"Hunter?" I mumble as I stretch slightly "will you turn that freaking alarm off!" My voice is croaky and I feel strange, my room smells weird and my bed feels different?

Rolling onto my side I feel a tug in my arm. I feel along it with my other hand and realise with shock that some kind of wire is attached to my finger and something is sticking into my arm? I open my eyes too fast and the bright fluorescent light above me is blinding, I blink to relieve the spots dancing in my vision and sit up as best I can.
"Hunter?" I say again.

If you liked this story so far and would like to read the new updated version including new chapters then please search for "The mate in my bed" by Alexsandrea Hunter on InKitt xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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