Chapter 1

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A/N: Austin is famous in this book but it won't show until later into the book.

Emily's POV

I never imagined myself in this situation at the age of 17, and a senior in high school.

I was sat in the girl's toilet, clutching a positive pregnancy test in my hands.

My throat was tight and my eyes were stinging.

How could I be so stupid?

I'm just a kid myself, what am I supposed to do?

My mom was going to kill me.

She'd kick me out and disown me.

On the bright side my father left when I was just three, so I didn't have to worry about him beating Austin to a pulp.

The positive plus sign on the plastic stick was taunting me, especially with the words '7-8 weeks' written underneath it.

The first sign was the first period I missed, I put it down to stress, as my grandfather passed away. Next I skipped another period, and soon followed the sickness I was experiencing every day, and my aversion to foods that I normally loved told me to get a pregnancy test.

The worst thing about all this is that the father is the bad boy of the school.

His name is Austin Mahone.

Or as I like to call him 'the asshole who knocked me up'.

He was 19 years old, and was soon turning 20.

My brain went into overload as I remembered that night. I can never forget that day.

I snapped myself back to the present moment.

I stood up after reminiscing.

I shoved the pregnancy test into the bottom of my bag, flushing the toilet and walking out the stall.

I walked over to the sinks and washed my hands slowly, still trying to let the news sink in.

I gazed into the mirror, wincing at the reflection staring back at me.

My skin was sickly pale, and my eyes were red from where I'd rubbed them to stop myself from crying.

My eyes focused on my stomach, where it was flat for now, but that would soon change.

Actually, it would only change if I chose to keep the...fetus.

The door to the girl's toilets swung open, and some freshmen walked in, giggling and talking nonsense.

I hurried out, to where Taylor was waiting outside.

She was the only person I'd told about my situation, and she knew exactly who the father was, after I'd blurted it out in my drunken state when we got to her house.

"So?" She asked as I approached her.

We started to walk down the corridor, to somewhere more private and quiet.

"It was positive, I'm pregnant." I said bluntly, feeling my eyes fill up for the second time today.

"Oh, Emily." She sighed, rubbing my arm.

"I can't believe this! What the fuck am I going to do? I'm pregnant by a guy who sleeps in a different girl's bed every night!" I yelled quietly, not wanting anyone to overhear our conversation.

"You need to tell Austin."

"No way."

"You can't do anything without telling him, who knows, he might be father material."

"Yeah, right. He probably can't even remember that night." I scoffed.

"You still need to tell him, he has a right to know."

As much as I hated to admit it, she was right.

I did need to tell him.

But, not yet.

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