Chapter 26

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Austin's POV

I gazed intently down at the sonogram picture in my hands.

I was clutching it tightly, my face as hard as stone as I focused on the image.

It was hard to believe that the small bean sized shape was my child, someone that I had created.

It was frustrating that she wouldn't even talk to me about the adoption and at least let me tell her how I was feeling.

I glanced to the chest of drawers that sat against my left wall, which was littered with my deodorant.

I knew what it in the second drawer down...Emily's panties.

Yes, her panties.

I'd kept them that night.

Don't ask why, you'll find out why soon enough.

I knew that at some point, I was going to have to tell her what really happened that night and why she's pregnant.

It was my fault, there was no denying it.

I shoved the picture into my pocket and flopped backwards onto my bed, resting my palms over my face.

I managed to get myself in some situations, don't I?

I sighed and sat up again.

I needed to talk to my mom.

I needed to tell her what's been going on.

I exited my bedroom, pulling on a shirt to cover my bare torso.

I could hear my mom in her bedroom, her TV playing some episode of Grey's Anatomy.

I pushed the door open to see her sat on her bed, her glasses pushed up her nose and a book in her lap.

She looked up at me and grinned.

"Hi, baby boy, come here." She spoke, patting the spot next to her on the bed.

I approached the bed and sat next to her and leaned my head against her shoulder.

She patted my hair.

"How was school today? You weren't home when I got back from work, did you hang out with Justin?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"Justin and I aren't speaking." I murmured quietly.

"Why not, darling? What's the matter? You haven't been acting like yourself lately, is everything alright?" She wondered, alarmed.

I shrugged.

"You're still taking your medication, aren't you?"

"Yeah." I murmured, nodding my head.

I guess I never mentioned that I became depressed after my dad died and I've been taking Prozac since I was 15.

Nobody but my mom knew, we didn't have any other family, they had all moved away and my grandparents from both sides had died.

"You can talk to me, you know?"

"I know, and I do need to talk to you."

Mom nodded and shut her book, placing it next to her.

"Spill." She ordered.

I gulped and proceeded to pull out Emily's sonogram picture, silently handing it to my mom.

I heard her gasp quietly as she recognized what it was.

I removed my head from her shoulder and sat back against the headboard.

"Austin, please tell me you haven't." She begged, bringing one hand to her face.

I stayed quiet and bowed my head.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

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