Chapter 44

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Emily's POV

"You see, this is why girls should not have to shave their legs." I muttered to myself as I tried to reach for my leg with my razor after my shower. I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub in the master bathroom wrapped in a towel, my wet hair cascading down one side of my neck.

I was eight months pregnant now, and I couldn't see my feet standing up anymore, my stomach was protruding that much. So you could imagine my frustration when I wasn't able to reach my legs over my stomach.

I pulled back and sighed before a thought struck me. "Why am I so brilliant?" I said to myself as I grabbed my phone from under my clothes. I called Austin.

"Too lazy to walk downstairs?" He chuckled when he picked up.

"Ha, ha, very funny." I said. "I need your help."

"Okay." He said slowly.

"Come upstairs to the master bathroom."

He sighed. "Fine." I hung up and a minute later, Austin opened the door, strolling in casually.

I glared at him. "Ever heard of knocking to see if I was decent?"

"I still would have come in even if you weren't." He grinned, making me roll my eyes.

"So what do you need help with?" He asked.

I stuck my leg out. "Shave my legs for me."

"Um, lemme think... No."

"Yes!" I said. "I can't reach over my stomach."

"Emily, I am NOT shaving your legs for you." He said.

"Austin, please." I begged.

He stared at me before relenting, taking the razor from me. "Why am I such a nice guy?" He sighed.

"You're acting like I'm trying to make you give birth to this baby for me."

He sat down on the edge of the tub beside me. "This is almost as bad."

I scoffed. "Hardly. And try not to cut me please."

"No promises." He said as he sprayed shaving cream on my leg.


"I'll try!" He said. "Ha, look, I spelled my name in raspberry scented shaving cream. That's legit."

I snorted with laughter. "Only you."

"You know it."

Austin managed to do my right leg without cutting me once, but the left leg gave him hell, which makes no sense to me. Five seconds after he started the left, he nicked me. "Ouch!" I yelped.

"Sorry, Ems!" He exclaimed. "It's only a little cut."

"The little ones bleed the most." I told him.

"No they- Oh, shit, you're right." He said, staring at it. "What the hell? That blood's really flowing! It's like, a centimeter long, how is that even possible?"

"Don't just stare at it!" I said, grabbing a cloth from beside me and handing it to him. He pressed down on the cut.

He went to take the cloth off after a bit. "There, it's probably- Mmm, nope, it's still bleeding." He said, setting the cloth on it again.

"Who knew you were so razor-challenged?" I smirked.

"Hey, don't make fun! I'm sure you cut yourself shaving, too."

"Damn." I mumbled.

"Yeah, exactly." He said.

The cut stopped bleeding after a while and Austin finished my left leg. After he finished, he ran his hand up them. "Smooth as a baby's butt. I'm a natural."

"You're just trying to get sexual and seduce me." I teased.

"That depends. Is it working?" He grinned as he continued to run his hands up my legs slowly.

I leaned in closer for a slow kiss. When I pulled back a few seconds later, I said, "Nah."

He pouted, causing me to giggle and kiss his nose. "Thanks for the help."

"You're welcome." He said, standing up and hauling me up after. "I'll go down and make lunch."

"Okay." I said as he walked out. I finished everything else before walking out and into the bedroom. I changed into a black tank top, my red zip-up track sweater from high school, black yoga pants, and my Hello Kitty slippers.

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