Chapter 14

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Austin's POV

I managed to drag myself to school for 12:30pm, and was met with stares from everyone.

The bell for lunch had just gone, so there were crowds all over the parking lot.

I rolled my eyes and gritted my teeth, annoyed.

People knew better than to question me though.

I made my way through the hallways, with my hood up and head down low.

I really wasn't in the mood for this today.

"Mr. Mahone, hood down! We don't want you giving out the wrong impression to visitors!" I heard the principal shout to me as I walked past him.

"Go fuck yourself." I muttered, rolling my eyes and walking away.

I made it to the cafeteria, where it silenced slightly when I walked in.

"He got Emily Smith pregnant." I heard someone whisper as I walked by them.

"Mind your own goddamn business." I growled, shocking them and making the young lady blush.

I lifted my head and continued walking, spotting Taylor and Justin, but no Emily.

I jogged to the table, leaning forward over Taylor, my back to Justin.

Taylor jumped in shock, her mouth opening slightly.

"Where's Emily?" I asked.

"Like I'm gonna tell you." She scoffed, rolling her brown eyes.

"Tell me, I need to talk to her."

"Haven't you done enough? You humiliated her the other day, now everyone knows she's pregnant."

"I didn't tell anyone, obviously I know who did." I turned my head to glare at Justin, who looked guilty.

"I told you too keep your mouth shut." I reminded him, my tone menacing.

"Yeah you did, but not about you knocking Emily up." He replied smartly, smirking.

"You dick." I spat, clenching my fists.

"Say that again." He encouraged, standing up.

He was a few inches taller than me, but I could easily floor him.

"Hey! Stop!" Taylor told us, stepping between our rigid bodies and pushing us apart.

By now, the whole cafeteria had turned their attention to us.

"Where's Emily?" I asked for the second time, losing my patience.

"She's at home, she's not feeling well and she's too ashamed to come in."

"Is her mom home?" I asked, still glaring at Justin.

"No, why?" Taylor frowned.

"I'm going to see her." I stated, determined to leave.

"I don't think that's a good idea!" Taylor called, but I was already leaving the giant hall, weaving in and out of bodies.

I'm not quite sure what made me suddenly change my mind about seeing Emily.

Maybe, it was because the sooner we talked and sorted this whole mess out, the sooner it would be finished and over.

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