Chapter 51

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Emily's POV

"What?!" Taylor shrieked, causing a few of the stage hands to look in our direction. "Why now?"

"Why don't you ask the baby that?" I said sarcastically. I grabbed Taylor's shoulder. "Get me to the hospital, Taylor. I am not having this baby at Austin's concert."

"Uh, okay, just hold on!" She exclaimed before hurrying to Alex.

"As if I have any other choice!" I sighed in frustration. "Of all times, baby, now is the time you want to come out?"

The two of them ran back to me about five minutes later. "Emily!" Alex said. "Come on, let's go."

"What about Austin?" Taylor asked frantically as she glanced back. We could still hear him singing, completely oblivious to what was happening.

I grabbed my stomach. "There's no time. Alex can come back for him, just get me to the damn hospital already!"

"Right," Alex said quickly as the two of them ushered me out the side door. "I'll go get the car." He bolted into the parking lot.

"Aaahh." I groaned as a contraction hit. It was small, but it still hit me by surprise. And hurt.

"Just hang in there, Emily," Taylor soothed. "Look, there's Alex!" Alex pulled up quickly and Taylor helped me into the back seat, sliding in after me. Alex spun out of the parking lot and towards the direction of the hospital.

"How far is the hospital from here?" Taylor asked Alex.

"Like, twenty minutes."

"I don't have twenty minutes!" I shrieked. "Speed if you have to!"

"I'm already going over the speed limit." Alex exclaimed.

"Then go faster." I said through gritted teeth.

As Alex sped through the traffic, Taylor tried to calm me down, but I ended up slapping her three times. "Shut up, Taylor, you're not helping the pain at all!"

"Slapping me won't help my pain either." She said.

"It's not nearly as bad as my pain!" I screamed, causing Alex to jump.

After what seemed like hours, we were finally at the hospital. Alex carried me bridal style through the parking lot, Taylor hurrying behind, and we burst through the doors into the hospital.

"My friend just went into labor, get her in a wheelchair now." Taylor demanded to the front desk lady.

"When did she go into labor?" The receptionist asked.

"Does it matter?" Taylor exclaimed. "She's in lots of pain and needs a room, now!"

"Taylllllor." I groaned as another contraction hit. I squeezed Alex's shoulder, digging my nails in.

He yelped. "Admit her now!"

The receptionist hit a button. "We've got a young girl in labor at the front desk. Get someone down here with a wheelchair immediately."

A minute later, a couple of nurses came rushing down the hall, one of them pushing a wheelchair. Alex set me in it slowly.

"You kids are going to have to wait here," one nurse said to my friends. "Only immediate family is allowed."

"But she doesn't have anyone else. Her parents are away, and her boyfriend is Austin Mahone, for Christ's sake! He's got a concert going on right now!" Taylor said.

"Then one of you may come." The nurse said firmly.


"Hello, having a baby here." I told them. "Just decide and let's get a move on!"

Alex laid a hand on Taylor's arm. "I'll go get Austin. It's got to be intermission soon, and he'll be wondering where we are."

"Good, go." Taylor said, and Alex ran out the door. The nurses pushed me down the hall quickly to a room and got me into a hospital gown before helping me onto the bed. Taylor sat beside me on chair.

"Alright, honey, I know the pain is horrible, but unfortunately it's unavoidable, so you're going to have to hang in there." One of the nurses said. Her name tag read Lydia.

"Somebody just give me drugs already. Or even better, knock me out with a baseball bat or something!" I yelled. "Oh god, it hurts."

"I know, Emily-"

"No, you don't Taylor! You don't have to push a baby out of your you-know-what!"

"True enough." She admitted sheepishly.

The nurse hooked me up to the fetal monitor and everything before rushing out of the room.

"Are you kidding me?" I shrieked. "I'm in labor, and they all leave me here?"

"Emily, take a deep breath." Taylor told me.

"It hurts too much." I said, and suddenly, I stopped talking and sat up straight, holding my stomach. I let out a long moan of pain as another contraction hit.

"I'm calling your mom." She said, whipping out her cell.

"Yeah, you do that." I said in between gasps.

Taylor left the room just as the doctor came in with a nurse.

"Oh thank god, Dr. Taylor." I sighed.

She smiled at me. "Looks like this baby's on its way."

"Looks that way." I said. "Can somebody knock me out already?"

"You'll get drugs in a minute," she said gently. "I need to see how far along you are." She lifted up the sheet and set my legs in the stirrups at the side of the bed before prodding around.

"You're not far enough yet, you've still got about seven centimeters of dilation to go, honey." Dr. Taylor told me as she put the sheet back down.

"Oh, great." I moaned. "Where's the drugs?"

"We'll get you some shortly." The other lady told me as she flipped through papers.

"I need them now!"

"You can't have them yet, you're not far enough along." She said slowly. Dr. Taylor and she left the room with a little wave.

Taylor walked back in. "Your mom is on her way, but she said she'll be awhile. She'll get here as fast as she can."

"I hate that nurse." I said through gritted teeth. "I swear to god, I mean it. Where the hell is my boyfriend? He's the father of this baby for god's sake, he should be here!" I screeched. I was sweating buckets, my hair was plastered to my face with tears streaming down, along with a mixture of makeup, but I didn't bother trying to fix it.

"They'll be here soon," Taylor said soothingly. Her phone buzzed. "That's Alex, I'll be right back." She told me.

"Don't leave me again!" I yelled, but she was already gone.

"Fu-" I stopped as another contraction hit, a hard one this time, and I gripped the sides of the bed with another moan.

Just as I let out a scream of pain that I was sure could be heard from the second floor, Taylor ran back in, followed by Alex and Austin.

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