Chapter 28

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Lea's POV

I woke up the next morning and I knew exactly what I had to do. I had to take a break from both of them so I can think without any destractions. I texted both of them saying that I need to have some time alone to think and that I would text them when I'm ready to put an end in this situation. Fortunately, they both understood how important is for me to be apart of them right now and they accepted my decision immediately. I went downstairs because I had the urge to talk to my mum. She was the person that would give my the greatest advice and that she would help me understand how I really feel. I was glad that I had a mum like her. She was in the kitchen and she was finishing cooking when I got in.

"Hello mum", I went and I hugged her from behind. "Hello sweetheart", she smiled at me and I sat on the chair and I waited for her to finish. When she did she came to me like she knew that I wanted to talk to her for something. "So, what happened?", she asked me with a concerned look. "Mum, am I bad person for acting like these to the boys?". I wanted to cry in the thought that I had make them sad so many times and that I didn't respect their feelings. "Lea, don't say these things. You're not a bad person at all. You were next to Michael every time that he wasn't ok and you were one of the people that have never left him. You were there every time he needed you and you have never considered your feelings. A bad person would never support the person that she likes to chase his happiness with another girl even though it hurts her feelings. As for Harry, you have never abandoned him even when he told you all these awful things. You didn't know that he did it to protect you and instead of not talking to him again, you went to his house and you tried to make the things right again. And when you understood what was the truth, you decided to put your life in danger and to go and save him with any cost. You didn't care for yourself or your safety at all, you cared only for him. And when he got shot and went to the hospital you were next to him every day and you didn't leave him even when you were sleepless and tired. And you were visiting him every day even when you had argued. You lied to his parents so they won't learn that their son decided to go alone without any help to meet a criminal. You didn't tell them that you were the one who saved him. If you were a bad person, you would never ask yourself or the people you know if you are. You wouldn't care at all about it. So, no you're not a bad person at all".

"What am I going to do mum? I don't want to hurt anyone. I am scared that the one I won't choose will get mad at me and that he will never talk to me again and I can't stand to lose them. They are so different and I am glad that they are in my life. A few months ago, I would never imagined that I would be in this situation today. I am so afraid to accept my feelings and to fall in love, because you only get hurt. And you got hurt too from the person that you thought that he would never do anything to hurt you. But he did and he didn't care that he made you cry and he didn't consider your feelings at all. What if I choose someone and after a few years he will hurt me in the same way?". I couldn't hold my tears anymore as the past flashed in my eyes like it was happening right now. My mum hugged me tied and gave me some tissues.

"Oh honey, I didn't know that you were so affected of this. The fact that your dad hurt me, doesn't mean that the same thing will happen to you. Yeah, I trusted your father and I have never thought that he did all these things. I was so angry and hurt when he was out until late and he didn't pick up on the phone, when I had no idea where he was and with who, when he was coming home mad at me because I had called him a lot of times and didn't let him to have fun, when he threw his phone on the floor and mostly when he hit me. I know that for a lot of time he hurt me every day by yelling and hitting me, but I was glad that it was me and not you. I wish I could go away and take you with me but I can't do it as long as I don't work. But everything is fine now and it was a bad time that has passed. He may gets out of control sometimes but he doesn't do anything like this now. You shouldn't let your dad's action to prevent you from find your happiness. You have two good guys there that would do anything to make you happy on their own way. It's time to let the past go and to overcome your fears".

"Do you love dad?". "Not as much as I used. I loved him a lot but a part of me hated him when he started hitting me". I hugged my mum and I said "I promise that one day I'll save you completely from him". My mum smiled "I know. Lea, whoever you choose, it will be fine. But deep down you know who is the one that you started loving a long time ago without even noticing it. You just need to accept it". And with that I knew what I had to do.

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* Finally, I let you know what Lea's secret was. I am so proud that I have just finished my 28th chapter.:D
* I am waiting for your votes and comments. Don't be a silent reader.

~ Thank you for reading my story. You are the best.<3

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