6) Hangovers Seriously Suck.

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 I woke up the next morning with a killer headache and a half-empty beer still in my hands. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the blinding sunlight and, for a second, I couldn't remember where I was. 
      "Morning," James said. His eyes were still closed--probably for the same reason mine were barely open. 
    "Dude," I replied. Last nights events were rushing back to me, "Last night was sick."
   "That's how it always is around here," Luke commented, chuckling and stretching against the couch, "And the way I see it. Maybe you were a born drummer."

     I grumbled and rolled my eyes. Me a born drummer? No thank you. Guitar has been my soulmate since the beginning of time. It was Tom who started me on it in the first place. He said let the voice of this beautiful instrument carry you and you will never have to say a word... Come to think of it, Tom might be the reason I never tried speaking in the first place. 

"What time is it," Sam asked, eyes still closed and still slightly snoring. 

I grabbed my phone and nearly jumped out of my skin. It was already 12 p.m and I hadn't bothered to tell mom that I was staying over. I unlocked my phone and was greeted with 13 missed calls and 27 text messages. I quickly texted her that I'd stayed at a friends and forgotten to call. 

Once the message sent, I stretched and then stood up. My head was aching, and my stomach was having a war between hunger and hangover. 

"You want something to eat," James offered between bites of an apple. 

I waved him off  and pointed toward the door. 

James nodded and smiled, "Let's cancel practice for today. I think it's well deserved and probably needed considering Derek's been puking for the last 20 minutes.  We can resume practice tomorrow? That's Wednesday, right?"

I nod and wave at the guys. They wave back as I'm shutting the door. 

My phone vibrates in my pocket twice in my pocket. I pull it out and notice 2 new messages on the screen. One appears to be from my mom and the other is from an unknown number. 

New Message
Mom: Let me know next time you're staying
over. You worried me!!!! love you xx

New Message
Unknown Number: They're using you. Watch
your back. 

I raised an eyebrow as I started my engine. Who in the world would be using me? And for what reason. I deleted the message and shrugged it off. No way that message was for me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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