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~Warning Suicidal thought and self harm. If you don't like it, or are sensitive to these kind of things then please don't read this chapter and skip on to the end of it. Song is Goodbye, I'm sorry by Jamestown Story and the title is in Swedish~

As soon as Jeremy walked trough his front door he knew his mother wasn't home. The house was strangely quite but he had grown use to it by now. His mother was never home until late which gave him enough time.

Time has run out, for me,
Everything's distant
And I don't know what to believe
It's so hard,
Lost in the world's confusion
And I need to leave
For awhile, life is so meaningless
There is nothing worth a smile
So goodbye, I'll miss you

He looked through the cabinets in the bathroom to find his razor. When he saw it he smiled as if he was seeing an old friend again. Tears welled up in his eyes as his grip on it tightened. With a shaky breath he exited the bathroom and went straight to his bedroom.

And I'm sorry,
But this is my fate,
Everything is worthless,
No one who wants me to stay

Everyone at school thought he was weird and hated him. He was teased and bullied everyday but he never let on about it to Mike, his best friend and co-worker at Freddy Fazbears' Pizzeria.  Mike stayed with him through his night shifts every night and has since he started working there.  He hated the thought of Mike finding him, or worse his mother calling the Pizzeria (or Mike)  telling them he wouldn't be going to work that evening or any other evening for that matter.

And I'm sorry,
But I've waited too long,
So here's my goodbye,
No one will cry over me,
I'm not worth any tears

Jeremy felt his tear welled and he looked down at his bedroom floor and held back his sobs. He heard his phone buzz singling that he had a message. He looked over to it and picked up his cell phone. A message from Mike popped up and the message he read brought him to tears, 'Have you been feeling okay? I noticed you try and stay away from me.' Jeremy didn't send a reply and set his phone down onto the bed next to him.

It's been the years of abuse,
Neglected to treat the disorder
That's controlled my youth
For so long,
I'm in a fleshy tomb burried
Up above the ground

His phone went off again and he looked over to it seeing another message from Mike, 'Jere answer me! Is everything all right!?" and again he ignored it. He knew Mike would only worry more but he didn't want to tell him what was wrong. Soon he let out his pitiful sobs and hugged his knees to his chest still holding the razor.

It's no use,
Why should I hold on
It's been five years
Don't need one more
So goodbye, life's abuse

'That's it I'm calling you.' Was the last message he got from Mike before his phone started to ring. He looked over at it and with a shaky hand picked up the phone and answered.
"Jeremy, what's wrong with you!?!" Mike didn't sound mad only worried. Jeremy didn't say anything only sniffed softly and began to sob harder. The line was silent aside from Jeremy's crying and Mikes breathing.
"I'm going over there Jere." Mike said and ended the call.

And I'm sorry,
But this is my fate,
Everything is worthless,
No one who wants me to stay

Jeremy throw his phone down onto his bed and continued to sob. He looked at the razor in his hand and tightly closed his hand around it, cutting the palm of his hand open. Mike would be there within fifteen minutes but he didn't care.

And I'm sorry,
But I've waited too long,
So here's my goodbye,
No one will cry over me,
I'm not worth any tears

He dragged the blade a crossed his skin beneath his old scars and cut deeply into his wrists. He heard his front door open and hurried footsteps running through his house and to his bedroom. He knew it was Mike but he didn't care and continued to cut.

Every 18 minutes,
Somebody dies from a suicide
Every 43 seconds,
Somebody attempts one

When Mike entered his bedroom he was meet with a horrible sight.
"Jeremy!" he screamed grabbing the teens attention. He walked up to him and grabbed the razor away. The smaller boy only began to sob harder and louder as Mike pulled him into a tight hug.

And I'm sorry,
But this is my fate,
Everything is worthless,
No one who wants me to stay

Mike refused to let the teen go even though he kept trying to pull away from the older male.
"Why? Tell me why dammit Jeremy!" Mike demanded.
"I-I can't h-handle this an-anymore... Mikey p-please..." Jeremy begged.
"Jere... I'm always going to be here for you... You don't have to leave... Please don't ever try to leave me again..." Mike said in a shaky voice.

And I'm sorry,
But I've waited too long,
So here's my goodbye,
No one will cry over me,
So here's my goodbye,
No one will cry over me,
I'm not worth any tears

"I'm sorry Mikey..." Jeremy sobbed softly into his chest. Mike ran his fingers through his hair softly and kissed his forehead as tears began to roll down his cheeks softly.
"Don't ever do it again dweeb..." Mike whispered.
"I wont.." Jeremy whispered.

I've Turned Into A Monster ~JereMike~Where stories live. Discover now