Chapter 21

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Aye! I don't really have much to say so here's the chapter!
Enjoy the pasta~


(Jeff's POV)

"Is he up yet?" Ben asked from behind me.

"No shut up, just wait" I whispered.

A few seconds later we heard a loud angry yell come from jacks room.

"WHO THE FUCK PUT DOG SHIT IN MY MASK?!!" he yelled from behind his door. Me and ben ran laughing our heads off as Jack flew out of his room.

I turned to see Jack gaining on us so I ducked into a room on the left.
"Woah dude! What the hell?" Masky yelled. I made sure to cover my eyes to avoid catching an awful glimpse of Masky dick. Maybe it wears a mask too!

"Sorry," I said before running towards the window and hopping out. I'm gonna be gone for a while so Jack should calm down by the time I get back. Plus he has Ben to torture ! I laughed as I ran towards Thomas and Alex's house.

My bloodlust was growing so I stopped out in the neighborhood for a kill. I had to make it quick so I looked for a house that had no cars in front.
Hopefully I can catch someone before school.

I found a house that looked pretty nice. It was mostly white but it had nice decorations.

I crept up to the window and I heard a girls voice.
"I'm sorry dad! I just wanted to have fun for my birthday." She said sounding frustrated.

I could tell she was on the phone.

"I know but-" she stopped.

"But- okay " she said before hanging up. I saw her throw her phone across the room which was funny. I went around the back of the house and opened the back door which was unlocked.
"Stupid" I said under my breath.

I slowly crept upstairs and almost fell when I saw a cat run out of the room.

The cat was about to meow but I quickly grabbed its neck and crushed it.

I peaked around the corner into the room. The girl had her back facing me and she sounded like she was crying.

I walked into her room slowly and once I got close to her I waited. She'll realize she's being watched, they always do.

A few seconds later she moved, getting ready to turn around. I hand my grip tight on my knife and right when she saw me I pounced.
She struggled under my weight but she was to small to throw me off.

"GO TO SLEEP!" I yelled before thrusting my knif into her chest.

I pulled my knife out and carved a smile into her face. I stood up and admired my work, Something was missing. I went in the hallway and grabbed the lifeless cat and took it back in the room. I placed the cat on the now blood stained bed. I left the room and closed the door. I didn't notice until now, the sign that said Cameron with hearts on it.

I left the girls house and made my way towards Thomas's house. When I arrived I wasn't even near the porch and I could here Alex and Thomas yelling.

"Please! Let me come with you!" Alex begged.

"NO! This is dangerous! I don't even know what's gonna happen and I don't want you to get hurt." Thomas said lowering his voice.
I stepped onto the porch and opened the door.

"Baby, I have powers remember? I'm not gonna just be helpless." She said pulling away from a kiss.

Thomas sighed," fine but don't try anything stupid and be careful. I dont want to lose you." They hugged and I was supposed the didn't see me. I cleared my throat and they quickly turned towards me.

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