2: Bus Stop Art

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Cas woke up in a cold sweat, tears lashing down his cheeks and heart pounding. He sighed and  wiped at his tears carefully.

Looking over slightly he noticed that he had accidentally fallen asleep with his glasses on. Cas sighed and picked them up, putting them on. Thankfully his glasses weren't damaged.

He got up and picked out an outfit, deciding that today he wanted to wear a cute knee length black skirt over black leggings with a black t-shirt.

Cas got dressed after noting that Dean was still asleep. He looked at himself in the small mirror hanging inside of his closet and smiled a little.

It had been at least four years since Cas realised that he was gender fluid. His younger brother Gabriel was the only one in his family that knew about it.. The rest, Cas hoped, would never find out.

Cas made his bed and sighed, giving his sleeping roommate a weary glance. God only knows what he would think if he saw Cas dressed in girls clothes.

Cas' phone buzzed quietly and he picked it up.

Charlie: You awake?

Castiel: Yeah, why?

Charlie: No reason... Oh! Guess what I programmed your name as!

Castiel: I give up, what is it?

Charlie: lol, AngelOfTheLord.

Castiel smiled a little, and quickly thought of something for her name. When he decided he sent Charlie another text.

Castiel: I like that. I labelled you as QueenOfMoonBeams.

Charlie: Haha! I am a queen, bow down peasants!

Castiel: All hail our illustrious queen!

Charlie: Lol! Yes! We should hang out after I'm out of class.

Charlie: speaking of class, I have to go! I'll text you when I'm out!

Castiel: Okay, bye!

Cas looked up when he heard Dean grunt and his bed squeak.

Dean looked over and yawned. "What time is it?" He muttered to himself.

Cas watched him curiously, against his own better judgment.

Dean looked up at the clock with a yawn. His eyes went wide and he hurried out of bed, stripping and tugging on a new outfit before he left, not even glancing at Cas.

Castiel rolled his eyes and drank from the water bottle he had grabbed the night before, he was still a little shaken up from his nightmare, but talking to Charlie about random things managed to calm him down a little.

Since he didn't have classes today he decided that he would go out and look for subjects to draw, objects, maybe people if they didn't catch on to what he was doing.

He grabbed his denim satchel and put his drawing book and pencil case inside before throwing on a pair of black and white converse.

Cas slung his bag over his shoulder and left the room, phone carefully nestled in his bag. He went outside and made his way down to the bus stop, sitting down on one of the benches inside of the little booth.

No one was there yet so Cas couldn't draw people. Instead he picked a random object on the sidewalk and pulled his book and a pencil out. He sketched it out carefully.

After a while Castiel heard someone sit down, he looked up and hummed quietly, observing his potential 'client'.

Cas nodded to himself and started drawing the man, noting his physique and jawline, God.. His jawline was so sharp that Cas could probably cut pie with it. As he moved along, drawing him from the shoulders up he came to realise that this was the same guy that had helped his roommate move in.

He jumped when he realised the man was staring at him curiously. Cas hid behind his drawing book and kept sketching, though he didn't know if that was a good idea.

"Hey, you're Dean's roommate." The guy, pointed out as if Castiel didn't know.

Cas nodded hesitantly.

Sam ran a hand through his dark brown mane. "Why are you here...? And why are you staring at me?" He looked kind of awkward as he looked at Cas.

Cas blushed and looked at his half done sketch. "Uh- I.. Um, I-" He stuttered, avoiding Sam's gaze as best as he possibly could. "I- I was drawing you.." He said quietly, hoping that the other didn't hear him.

Sam smiled. "I take it you're an art major then?" He waited for Castiel's hesitant nod before continuing. "Why are you drawing in a bus stop?"

Cas shrugged and looked at Sam. "You always find the most interesting people in bus stops. You can't see their story from just looking at them, you have to look through them to draw them, you have to pay attention to each and every detail, every freckle, every blemish, every scar..." Cas rambled smiling thoughtfully. "With each look closer at the person as you draw them, the more their story is revealed to you..." He tapped the eraser half of his mechanical pencil against the paper.

With a nod Sam looked at Cas. "Yeah, I guess you have a point." The ghost of a smile graced his lips. "You have a really thoughtful outlook on things."

Cas blushed faintly and started sketching again, trying to capture all of Sam's features. The eyes, Cas found, were captivating. So much emotion ranged through the man's eyes, pain, anger, sadness, love, caring, and the hint of a past tragedy lingered there. It was difficult for The younger man to try and recreate these emotions in the drawing, but he did somehow manage.

He figured if he were to draw Dean, he wouldn't get the same emotions, he'd probably just find hollowness.

The thought of Dean made Cas sneer and without thinking he asked, "has your brother always been such a jerk?"

Sam sighed and looked at him. "He really isn't... He's a nice guy, but there are times that he can be a real dick." He shrugged and looked over at Cas.

Cas bit back his laughter. "He called me stupid."

With a sigh Sam shook his head, noting that the bus was now there. "I have to go, I'll talk to Dean about that."

"Thank you, but don't bother."

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