9: Lacklustre Enthusiasm.

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It had been about a week since Castiel's attempt at suicide and he honestly couldn't be happier, oh wait. He COULD be happier, if his stupid boyfriend would stop hogging the damn blankets, like honestly...

Cas sighed and shoved him lightly earning a low groan of annoyance from him. "Dean Winchester, get up!" He demanded.

"No, 'm sleeping..." He slurred out, voice rougher than usual.

"Dean!" Cas exclaimed, batting him over the head with his pillow. "At least let go of me, I have class," he argued with a whine, trying to pry Dean's arms from around his waist.

Dean made a quiet grunting noise, tightening his grip a little. "No you don't..." He was cut off with a yawn. "'s Saturday..."

He rolled his eyes and somehow managed to remove the other from his waist, using a text book as a pry bar. "It's Thursday." Castiel huffed, running a hand through his hair only succeeding in making it messier. He looked around for his clothes and spotted his favourite black dress. Dean still didn't know that he was gender fluid..


An exasperated sigh left Cas' lips. "Yeah, Thursday. You have work today. Why do you think I was trying to wake you up idiot."

He sat up and looked at his room-mate with half lidded green eyes which held a lacklustre enthusiasm that normally would have made Cas laugh if he didn't know that they were both going to be late if they didn't hurry up.

His eyes went wide when he realized that he literally had nothing to wear except that dress. Cas hesitated in grabbing it, nervously thinking about the many different reactions that Dean could have to something like this.

Dean seemed to notice his hesitation as he looked over at Castiel with a raised eyebrow. "You okay there, Cas?" He asked kindly, getting up and wrapping his arms around his boyfriends waist.

Cas let out an awkward chuckle. "Ugh, yeah... I'm okay, just gotta get dressed, you know? Gonna have to do laundry today.."

"Hate to break it to you, but, uh, Castiel? Your nerves are showing."

Cas' amusement was immediately present in his pout- wait, he wasn't amused. Oops, he must have mistaken his annoyance with amusement again.

Dean chuckled softly and ruffled his hair. "What's up Cassy-floss? Normally you're fine with changing in front of me."

"Ugh..." Cas blushed. "So there may be something I haven't told you yet..."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm genderfluid."

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