3: A Riding Crop?

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It had been a couple hours since Castiel's run in with Sam and he was now out shopping with Charlie.

"What do you think of this?"

Castiel looked over at Charlie who now sported a pair of black shorts that were styled like overalls, a black t-shirt and a pair of black tights that had the batman symbol all over them. "You look nice Charlie." He said truthfully.

Charlie started smirking and shoved Cas into the booth to change. She ran off for a moment leaving him alone.

He looked confused for a moment, what was she planning?

A few minutes of waiting later and Charlie was back. She tossed clothes over the top for Cas.

Cas took them and looked them over, a dark purple dress shirt, dark blue scarf, black trench coat, black dress pants... And... A riding crop? "Ugh... Charlie?"

"Put it on! No questions!"

Cas complied and got dressed, dress pants first and then making sure the dress shirt was done up all the way before he slid the jacket on and pulled the scarf on, not bothering to tie it before walking out, riding crop in hand.

Charlie giggled and tied the scarf properly. "I already bought this for you, you're wearing it home!" She smirked.

Cas gaped at her. "You didn't have to buy it!" He exclaimed.

"I wanted to."

"Charlie this is too much-"

"Don't argue, you look great!"

He bit his lip to keep from arguing, knowing that he wouldn't win. He looked at himself in a mirror and blushed.

Charlie came up beside him, still in the same outfit. "We look hot." She grinned. "Let's go out on the town!"


She tugged him out of the shop, the outfits they'd come in in separate bags. "We could- oh look, we should go see a movie! I think the new Captain America is out!" She looked excited.

Cas grinned. "Alright, but I'm paying for everything!"

Charlie shrugged. "Okay, whatever. Let's just go!" She said excitedly.

They went inside and got their tickets, quickly making their way to the recession stands where Cas didn't look all that happy suddenly.

"What are you doing here?" Dean asked from behind the counter.

Charlie scoffed. "We're here to watch a movie." She answered, though the question wasn't directed at her.

Cas looked down a little, he felt awkward now. Had going to the movies even been a good idea? Seriously.

Dean crossed his arms. "Whatever. What do you want?" He asked.

"You're kind of an ass." Charlie remarked. "I'll get a soda and some popcorn. Castiel, what would you like?"

Cas shook his head. "I'm fine, nothing for me." He replied.

"Thirteen dollars and twenty five cents."

Cas got out his wallet and paid for everything, following Charlie to where the drinks and popcorn were.

She looked at him worriedly. "Are you okay..?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay Charlie, really. I am." He forced a small smile.

"Alright... Who was that guy?"

"My roommate...."

"You're kidding!"


"What an ass!"

Cas nodded and walked past the ticket guy giving him both of their tickets and in return, getting their 3D glasses.

They went to theatre number five and found themselves good seats since they were there early.

Charlie was bouncing up and down in her seat, looking beyond excited.

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