7: Don't Do This.

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Dean was shocked, to say the least, as he put down Castiel's suicide note. He was terrified, he hadn't realised how much of an impact he was having on the boys emotional status.

He hoped that he wasn't too late, too late for what though? What would his roommate do to stop the beating of his heart?

There were few options, available to him in the college, but Dean knew he had to think quickly.

He would start with the bathroom.

The Winchester dove out the door and down the hall. He slammed open the bathroom door and flicked the light on, looking around. "Cas?!" He called out, hoping Castiel would call out to him to correct him, but no response came.

He looked in every stall and then anywhere else he could have hidden in the room before he took off down the hallway, looking around wildly.

Dean saw that the door to the roof was slightly ajar and he nearly froze in shock at the boys plan, however, he pushed on faster, hurrying up the wooden staircase, hoping he wasn't too late.

He made it up too and looked around for his roommate, spotting him out on the ledge, foot raised to take the first and final step.

His heart was hammering in his chest at the sight and he felt his stomach churn. Fuck! He thought to himself.

"Cas! What the hell?! Don't you fucking jump!"

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