Shadows Chapter 4

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"Morning sleepyhead!" I opened my eyes and groaned in pain as the sunlight hit them. I just laid there for a second, then I opened my eyes again, using my hand as a visor from the sun. I glanced at the clock; 9:45. Ugh. I got out of bed and washed my face right away. 

"My head hurts, do have any ibuprofen?" I asked Nyx as she put on a pair of skinny jeans. "Umm, it might be in that cabinet." I nodded and walked to the cabinet Nyx pointed at. YAY! She had a bottle in there, thank the lord. I generously took two pills and made my bed. Then Nyx asked the question I was hopping she would avoid, "I heard you wake up last night, why?" 

"Oh, because I heard a noise." It wasn't technically a lie. 

"What did you hear?"

"That scratching noise again." I sighed and avoided her death stare.

"What!? You heard it again? Where did it come from? Did you see the shadow thing again? Di-" I held up my hand to impression a stop sign. "Just stop. Let me talk!" 

"Okay, so I woke up and I heard the scratching noise again. Only it wasn't coming from the door, it was coming from my window, and yes I saw the shadow thing." I pointed to the window next to my bed and started to brush my hair. Nyx gasped and sat down on the couch. I did look at her then, she looked like she was in a trance of thought. "Oh my gosh! Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked me softly. "I don't know, you looked so peaceful on the couch." I retorted. 

"Fine." Nyx got up and went out of the trailer. What did I say? I wasn't trying to be mean, was I? I just stood there looking at the swinging door that didn't close. Did I do something wrong? I had a million questions, but I quick grabbed my phone and called the one other person who knew about our sleepover, Matt. 

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