Shadows Chapter 8

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What the hell? I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and hearing! It was like, mindboggiling. “And you wouldn’t believe what happened in the small town of Minoqua today. A young girl, Nyx Deere, was home today from school, when she walked into her house to see her parents had been murdered.” I couldn’t believe it! Nyx’s parents were dead! Wait, what?

The newscaster, Marie Simms, cocked her head to the side as if listening to someone on her shoulder. Then she stared back into the camera, “Nyx Deere will be with us in a few minutes for a short interview and another thing happened in this small town today. We’ll tell you about this fast coming story right after this”

The TV screen changed from TMJ4 to a dumb ass infomercial on mattresses. Then, just as quickly as the commercial came on it was back to the broadcast on Nyx. She was on screen, and I could easily tell she had just gotten done crying, hard. Then, Marie started talking again, “Welcome back, right now we have Nyx Deere with us. Her parents have just been murdered.”

“Hi.” Nyx said softly

“Nyx, what did you see when you came into the house?” Marie passed the microphone to Nyx.

“Well, I was taking out the trash and I walked into the house after that. I went into the living room-” She gasped as if she could see the scene again right in front of her. “I saw both my parents in the middle of the floor with multiple lacerations on their stomachs.” Marie Simms was nodding her head like she actually cared about what happened to Nyx! I wanted to slap her! She didn’t care, she just wants a good story so she can get payed! Ugh, I really hate her.

“Did you see or hear anyone around your house?”

“Kinda, I did see a shadowy figure.” She kind of nodded, then continued, “Yeah, a shadowy figure, I gasped when I saw my parents and out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow, in the shape of a man. Which is weird.” Nyx looked away from the camera and down at her feet and was mumbling things under her breath. But then stupid Marie interrupted Nyx’s tirade, “Why is that weird?” Nyx looked up.

“It’s weird because on Saturday, my best friend and I had a sleepover. We heard a noise at the door and looked through the trailer window to see if we could see anything, and we saw that same shadowy figure.”

“And, who is this friend?”

“Zoey Bennett. You can even ask her, we saw a shadow figure outside our window at almost ten o’clock pm!” That little trader! She brought me into this mess? I don’t wanna be part of it! DAMMIT!

“Well, Ms. Nyx. I would assume the police will be questioning her and you. But, that is all the further time we have, back to you, Mitchell.” I got up off of the couch to go grab my phone when, the next story caught my eye. “Thank-you, Marie. Just a few minutes ago there has been a new story breaking in the same area of Nyx Deere’s incident. Here in a few momoents we will hear about the story of Johnathan Lewis and his mother, Ruby Ann Lewis. Stay tuned.” What is happening to my life!? First my best friend and now my new friend, who is majorly hot! I think I’m going to scream! Ugh, I did the only thing I could do. I went to my bedroom, slammed the door and plopped down on the mound of pillows and clothes I had, and slept through my running thoughts. Just, sorting them out and sleeping.

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