t w e n t y o n e

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M a r k

Hyeonseo being pregnant is possibly the best thing to ever happen to our relationship. Not only has it kept a smile on Hyeonseo's face for 4 days straight, but it's going to give us more than one reason to stay together; forever.

Picking up my phone, I decide to call Hyeonseo.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hi, Mrs. Tuan." I coo through the phone, a smirk on my face.

"God damnit, Mark. I'm trying to work at the moment."

"Really? I thought you were in labour." I say sarcastically.

"Seriously?" I can practically see Hyeonseo's scowl through the other end. "It is way too early to be making jokes, Mark."

"Is it?" I laugh, making a note to look up jokes after Hyeonseo hangs up.


"Well Mrs. Tuan, I'm going to go leave you alone with your moodiness."

"Mark! I said no more pregnant jo-"

I quickly cut her off. "Ok, love you!"

I press the "end call" button quickly and let out a sigh of relief. I really hope she doesn't kill me when she gets home.

Nothing has ever been so perfect in my life. Sure, the day I started my friendship with Hyeonseo has to be a close second. But in this moment, my dreams have come true, no matter how sappy it sounds.

I'm married to the only girl I love, and we're going to have to raise a baby soon, that's all i could ever ask for out of life.


The front door slams shut, a cue that Hyeonseo is now home.

"Hyeonseo!" I run out to the corridor, and as soon as i spot her, i pick her up and twirl her around.

"Mark? What are you doing?" She laughs.

"I'm just happy, that's all." I say, setting her back down onto the floor.

"Ok.." Hyoenseo says, obviously not sure if she should trust my statement or not.

"I promise I didn't do anything." I pause. "You can hit me with your pregnant body if I'm lying."

Her eyes widen, and she smacks me on the side of my arm. "You asshole!"

I laugh, and run away from her, hearing her footsteps coming after me.

Eventually she catches up to me, and jumps on my back unexpectedly, knocking me down and bringing her with me.

All I can hear is her laughter from behind me.

"This is exactly why I said I was happy." I say, grinning up at her.


comments needed please..

I really need feedback from you all, it means much to me ❤

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