Chapter 4: Who? What? How?

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    Yuri Ksolvek. That was the strangers name. It was quite odd that a russian man can talk fluent english. And, its hawaii. I just kept looking at the monitor. I was looking into the details. Its not much. Just a few records, his criminal records. But he is not in the index for somehow.

My head is aching of what he had did. But I remember everything now, Wo Fat was the one to order him to erase my memories. Even though my memories are back, there are no memories of my father. I just wished I could meet him.

I went into the interrogation room. And I said, "Yuri, that was the most hurtful thing you ever did." whilst rubbing my temples. " I am glad i did that then." He said in confidence. I had the urge to hurt him. But Kono put her hand on my shoulder. I understood and took a step back. My hands were firm. I excused myself and left the room. I didn't want to be anywhere near Yuri. Kono went after me. And so did the others.

  I was in Kono's office. I looked at her computer and typed a few words. In just a few seconds, there was a light ding, and it showed where Wo Fat could possibly be. Kono saw me and went in. She asked me if I was ok. I said no. "We have to find Wo Fat." I added. Kono said there was no possible way to find him as he keeps going off the island.

   That's where Yuri comes in. I went out to the main monitor and discuss with the others. I told them the plan. That Yuri was the bait. And we can lure Wo Fat back here. We all agreed. I told them that I wanted to go to the interrogation room. Everyone looked at each other. Afraid that Yuri will get hurt badly by me, Steve followed me.

   Back in the interrogation room, I confronted to Yuri and told him the plan, and I will set him free once it has completed. He disagreed. Steve punched him in the face. "YOU'RE A COP! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Yuri shouted. I had a sly face. "But I'm not!" I said. With that, I grabbed his neck. "You know what I'm capable of. You've seen what I've done. Now, do you want that happening to you?" My eyes were glowing red by this point. He said no in fear. "Now, are you going to help us?" I said. He nodded yes in fear.

   I went out from the interrogation room. Steve was shocked. He thought to himself, "What just happened?" We met up in the main monitor. Kono asked,"so he agreed?". I nodded. We all geared up and reloaded our guns. We asked Yuri to call Wo Fat and meet him at an abandoned warehouse.

  We all arrived at the warehouse and finds Wo Fat inside. We slowly crept inside and hid. We watched carefully what Yuri was doing. I overheard them. They were talking about me. Wo Fat thinks that Yuri killed me. The others were suprised but I wasn't because when I was back in Los Angeles, Wo Fat and I have encountered each other. We fought, I was about to surrender but then the rest of the FBI agents arrived and had Wo Fat in custody. But.. The problem was that Wo Fat escaped before reaching jail.

  Back to the story, while the others were shocked, I was listening to the conversation. Then suddenly, it went all pitch black. I woke up, strapped in a chair, with a headache. I just realized what just happened, one of Wo Fats goofballs hit the back of my head. "Ah, you're awake." Wo Fat snickered. "What do you want from me?!" I shouted. He said that he wanted to finish what we had started. I knew what it meant.

  By then, Wo Fat took out a knife and walked towards me. I looked him dead in the eye, " You wouldn't kill me." He agreed. Then, he gestured someone to come out. It was Adam. I was shocked. So was Kono. I told him that he didn't have to do this. Because he just got married. Wo Fat took out the knife and laid it out on his hand. Adam took it with no hesitation. Adam kept walking towards me. Kono couldn't take it. So, she ran to us and begged with Adam. Adam still refuses.

   At this point, I was begging. I was really scared. Adam look into my eyes and felt no guilt.  Once again, Kono begged him to stop. Adam was so selfish, he didn't listen to Kono. Adam took the knife and quickly stab it into my abdomen. I was in shock and in pain. I started to lose my vision. But I knew that I had to stay up and alive. Everything was a blur right after that. Kono was really mad. She was furious. She hits Adam in the stomach with all her force. Adam clutches his stomach. Adam and Kono continued fighting for awhile. Then, I felt a hand on my tied up hands. I turned and saw Steve trying to cut the rope. That's where Wo Fat came in. Wo Fat kicks Steve at his face. Ooohhh that gotta hurt. Steve fell but stood back up. He gestured Danny to get my hands untied.

    I was really light headed because of the amount of blood I'm losing. I tried to stay up even more. By this point, Adam was still fighting with Kono. And Steve is kicking Wo Fat's ass. Chin beated up the other goofballs. And, Danny is still trying to get my hands free. It took awhile but he finally got it. My hands were free. Then, I heard a scream from the corner. It was Kono. She was pinned down. I stood up and took the knife out of my abdomen. It hurt like hell. So yeah, I took the knife and and stabbed Adam. Adam fell to the floor. "Kono. Please. Save. Me." He said. Really tho? Right after stabbing me?! No way dude. Kono said, "After stabbing my cousin? God no! "whilst walking away. And, finally Adam died.

I felt a gush of pain in my head and just blacked out. Kono, with panic in her eyes, catched me before I hit the floor. She called out to Steve. Wo Fat and Steve stopped fighting. Steve looked around and quickly had fear in his eyes. Wo Fat spared him. Wo Fat said, "Go to her. Or she will die." whilst having a quick snicker (not the chocolate bar). Steve ran to us and quickly put pressure onto my wound. Kono was already crying. Chin was embracing her. Danny was worried as he has a daughter as well.

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