chapter one

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 if you've decided to read on, thank you! Pease tell me what you think i will take all types of feedback. I just thought the video on the side was good. I own nothing you recognise, so that means i, unfortunately, don't own Loki :( 

“Laura, Tanya. Get up, it's time for school!” Mrs Smith, my adoptive mother, called. I groaned and got out of bed, I got dressed into my plain, black school uniform and headed downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen to see Mr Smith already sitting at the table, reading a newspaper as usual, while Mrs Smith was running around preparing breakfast. I sat at the table and a tense silence enveloped the kitchen, i could feel the hate and resentment coming from Mr Smith, the Smiths never really saw me as a daughter and it got worse when they found out about mine and Tanya's powers they blamed me for their daughter's 'faults'. They think we're mutants and, well, they never liked mutants but they think I 'infected' their daughter. Well Mr Smith thinks I turned her into a mutant, Mrs Smith on the other hand she's not telling us something and I bet she knows something about Tanya's powers, I could find out myself but I don't like digging around in people's minds unless it's necessary.

“Laura” Mr Smith acknowledged my presence and broke me out of my thoughts.

“Mr Smith” I replied evenly, then we had a mini stare down until Tanya came galloping down the stairs.

“Good morning mum, dad and Laura” she all but shouted at us.

“Morning sis” I replied then Mr and Mrs Smith greeted her, I only called her family because she's the only one who feels like family.

We ate breakfast then headed to school, we walked to school because it was practically round the corner from our house.

Once we arrived we headed to our lockers, which were next to each other, and put the books we would need for today in our bags. Tanya was one of the popular people that everyone loved and boys swooned over, yes that's right boys swoon over her. I, on the over hand, was the lowest of the low on the social ladder and most people made fun of me, but only when Tanya wasn't around to stop it. I was the weird, quiet, orphan kid who liked to read, as smart and liked to be either alone or with Tanya.

We talked until the bell went and we headed to our form rooms, she was two years above so she went to room 55 while I went to room 43.

I sat down at my desk at the back and got out a book on Norse mythology so I could block everyone else out. I liked reading Norse mythology there was just something about it that I felt connected to, I liked the god Loki the best I felt like I could connect with him in some ways. We were both adopted and abandoned as children, we could both lie and detect lies and we both liked causing mischief, I mainly pranked my sister. Even though I knew he was probably nothing like that in real life, yes I know he's real he was on the news when he attacked New York and then again when they proved that he was innocent of his crimes but I don't know what he looks like, I still felt a weird connection to him.

I was broken out of my thoughts, for a second time that day, when a sensed a wad of soppy toilet paper coming towards me. I looked up just in time to see the wad of paper coming towards me and dodge it. I felt the presence of people next to me and turned to see my main tormentors, the popular girls in my year, Stacy and her gang.

I sighed, put my book away, and looked up at Stacy and her gang. “Yes?” I asked politely as I arched an eyebrow in question.

Stacy looked down at me in disgust then replied with “Your in our area muttie now move”.

Stacy called me a muttie, which is short for mutant, because she hated me and thought I was another, I quote, 'useless freak who doesn't deserve to be on this planet'. “I don't think I am, I always sit here and you normally sit up front” I calmly replied.

She just glared at me “Well we want to sit here today, so move” she all but snarled at me.

I sighed and reluctantly stood and moved to the only unoccupied space at the front. I only moved because I didn't want to get bullied even more, which would've happened if I hadn't moved.

The morning moved by quickly and it was soon lunch time, I sat on a table by myself but Tanya soon joined me. “How has your day been so far?” she asked me.

I shrugged “Not bad. What about you?” I said casually.

She narrowed her eyes at me “You got bullied again didn’t you? Was it Stacy and her friends?” she asked ignoring my question.

I sighed but nodded, knowing that she would track down the people who bullied me anyway, she thought she was helping but in truth she just made it worse, they only stop bullying me when she is nearby but they bully me more when she is gone.

She quickly got up and went to go look for them, leaving me alone again. I was about to get my Norse mythology book out  when i sensed danger, i turned around in time to see the canteen wall nearest me explode and I was thrown out of my chair. I looked up to see Magneto and some of the Brotherhood walking through the hole in the wall.

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