Not Alec

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"You're holding back," Rosaline whispered. "Why are you doing that? Alec never did..." She felt his body tense next to her.

"Because... I'm not Alec. I want you to love me, before I do anything you might hate me for if it's too soon, or if you don't like it." Vincent was honest with her. After Alec, who probably lied to her quite frequently, there was no way Vincent was going to. There was no way Vincent was going to make Alec's mistakes and hurt Rosaline even more.

"What if... What if I want you to?"

"Want me to what Rose?" He kissed her cheek.

"Want you to... not hold back." Rosaline looked at him carefully, judging his reaction. He just looked back at her. It was quite for a minute or so before Vincent spoke, after he decided that if it was what Rosaline wanted, then he would do it, for her.

"Then I won't." Rosaline was aware of what this meant, and she didn't care. She wanted Vincent to. Maybe, just maybe, it would erase Alec from her heart. She could only hope that Vincent would.

Vincent eased himself off the bed next to her, and carefully pressed himself to her. Rosaline looked up at him. He was handsome, better looking than Alec that's for sure. His hair, not quite long but long enough, hung around his head as he looked down at her. She smiled softly at the picture in front of her. He was precious in that inexplicable way. Vincent watched her smile and couldn't help but smile back.

"You're even prettier when you smile Rose," he said before leaning down and kissing at her neck again. Rosaline just shut her eyes and surrendered to the pleasant feeling of his lips upon her neck, and his body pressed against hers. She had never felt this way with Alec. Whenever he had touched her, or kissed her, she had always felt regretful or sad. Feeling Vincent's skin, his lips, made her dizzy with happiness. Something else she couldn't quite explain. Vincent tested nibbling and sucking upon her neck to see her reaction. He found a spot that made her release a small noise. He grinned.

The rush Vincent was sending through her was new to her. She had never felt these burning butterflies before. She couldn't help but release a noise when he nipped and then sucked on a sensitive spot upon the crook of her neck. She felt his mouth turn up in a grin and he bit down gently. She inhaled sharply and then squirmed beneath him. Vincent was enjoying playing with her, teasing her. Granted, she didn't realize that's what he was doing. He was sure Alec never did anything of the sort, never even considered giving her pleasure. He just wanted to take pleasure from her, and that struck a chord inside Vincent. Vincent wanted to give Rosaline pleasure, not take it from her. He wanted to give her his love, not steal hers away and trap it in an unattainable place like Alec had. He sucked and kissed at the briefly bitten spot until it turned to a darker pink. She's mine, he thought looking at the mark he'd left behind. Mine to love, mine to please, mine to hold, mine to keep, he thought.

"I love you Rosaline, and I always will," Vincent whispered to her. "I..." Vincent kissed her. It was still too soon for her to say she loved him. Even if she was ready to say it back, Vincent wasn't going to let her until he thought she was ready. And ready she most certainly was not, even if she did love the feelings Vincent was giving to her. Slowly, carefully minding her, Vincent straddled over her, never breaking the kiss he'd captured her lips in. He ran his right hand down her side and giggles erupted from her lungs and into his mouth through hers. Rosaline was ticklish and the feel of Vincent's hand passing over her, over the shirt of his she was wearing, was enough to catch the attention of her ticklish muscles. The kiss broke and her giggles became louder, brushing Vincent's ears. He smiled: such a pleasant sound. He lightly ran his hands along her sides to make her laugh more, louder, but only those soft sounding giggles escaped.

This wouldn't do. Even though her soft little giggles were cute, Vincent wanted to hear her laugh. He bet that was even better, an even prettier sound. He began to poke at her sides. Instantly, Rosaline began to laugh, a louder musical tone that struck his heart and made him truly smile. The more he poked her sides, the more she moved beneath him; squirming and trying to get away while laughing so hard it brought tears to her eyes.

"Stop! Vincent, stop!" she cried out, laughing and trying to push him away. "I can't... breathe," she said between laughs. He stopped immediately and let her laugh on her own until it subsided. Rosaline breathed deeply trying to replenish her lungs with air lost from her Vincent-induced laughing fit. She felt Vincent gently wipe away the tears in her eyes, an also gentle smile on his lips.

"You have such a pretty smile. I want to see it every day. Hear your laugh too," he grinned. Rosaline turned her head to the side and blushed. He was so honest to her.

Vincent turned her face back to him and took in the sight of her red-hued cheeks. He laughed softly.

"You're so adorable Rose."

The red on her cheeks spread even more. Vincent chuckled and leaned down to kiss her. As their lips touched once again, Rosaline's eyes flickered shut and she surrendered to Vincent's will. Why not? She loved him, even if he wouldn't let her say it. She needed to move on, past Alec, and hadn't her mother always said the quickest way to get over something was to replace it with something else? Well Rosaline replaced Alec with Vincent. She was sure Vincent would keep his promise and push Alec right out of her heart and take his place. Rosaline felt Vincent's hands brush against her side and she resisted the urge to giggle, focusing instead on gathering enough courage to encourage and let Vincent do what he wanted, what she wanted. Vincent pulled away slightly, leaving their lips barely touching and their warm breath gliding over each other's faces and mingling.

Vincent bent to kiss Rosaline once more; the kiss itself holding the question and the answer to what they wanted. Vincent slipped his hands beneath her shirt. He ran his fingers over the smooth, pale skin of her stomach. He waited to see if she would pull away. But, she didn't stop him, so he kept pushing it upward until it was bunched under her arms and around her neck. He ran his fingers back down her now shirtless sides, listening to her giggles and disconnecting their lips. Vincent bent to kiss her stomach softly, and as he did she shifted just slightly so she could pull the shirt off and drop it to the floor. Vincent looked up at her when he heard the shirt land heavily. She was watching him, her face flushed with a mixture of hormones and embarrassment. He placed his lips softly on hers for a brief moment of reassurance, and then whispered,

"There's no reason to be embarrassed. I love you, Rosaline. No matter what you're wearing, or not wearing, you are always beautiful to me." Rosaline's face lit up with a deeper blush. Vincent smiled and nuzzled his face into her neck.

"You're so cute," he murmured, pressing himself to her.

"So are you," Rosaline whispered just loud enough for Vincent to hear her. They stayed like that for a few moments, in an attempt to calm their hormones. Rosaline bit her lip and looked up at Vincent. "Don't hold back," she whispered. 'God, that face is just...' he thought, unable to finish his thought. He really didn't want to hold back. "Please?" she breathed, pressing up against him. She needed him to do something; touch her more, make more of these wonderfully torturous butterflies. He groaned. She was so adorable. She was turning him on, oh so much. With that flushed face and those bright green eyes staring up at him, he was helpless. How could he say no to her? He pressed his hips down and ground them against hers. He growled lowly at the sensation. Rosaline squirmed beneath him. He was so intoxicating, and that heat radiating off him, well, she wanted more of it. "Vincent," she called, her voice sounding like a purr.

There was no way Vincent was going to stop now. She may or may not have known what she was doing to him, but she was going to find out.

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