Anniversary Three

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[Author's Note: I have decided to periodiodically add more to this story. It will be in short snippets as you see below and I am basing when I write and publish more on the number of reads this story gets overall. So enjoy the snippets of extra material. I won't leave cliff hangers as they're just short stories involving the same characters. I'm not guarenteeing chronological order, but I am guarenteeing more interactions between the two lovebirds. I hope you enjoy ~RosenDragon]

Two years later Rosaline was happy at the college she had chosen. She was far away from her old town, the people she knew, and the places she was familiar with. It was an adventure of sorts; everything was new to her. Well, not everything. She looked over at the man sleeping on the couch. He really could be adorable sometimes. Rosaline had just finished typing up a paper. She was majoring in English and she wrote about three essays a week, not to mention the writing that she did for fun in her free time. She loved writing. After being unconscious for six months a couple years ago, she didn’t want to forget a thing. So she began to write everything down, and that turned into writings, poems, and stories.

Rosaline shut down her computer and put away all of her papers. She sat on the edge of the couch and gently shook the man sleeping on it.

“Vincent, Vincent wake up, I’ve finished.”

Slowly, Vincent awoke from his nap. He’d drifted off to sleep waiting for her to finish typing her paper. He was planning on taking her out to dinner, seeing as tonight was technically their three year anniversary. The first year Rosaline had been unconscious for their anniversary. Their relationship had started online, while Rosaline was in an abusive relationship. Rosaline was always saying that the relationship didn’t start until the day she threw Alec’s ring in the river, but both she and Vincent knew she was just saying that to separate the bad times from the good times. The second year, Rosaline had been so caught up in college life, ensuring her grades, and distancing herself from the world, that she hadn’t allowed Vincent to do anything special for her. This year she gave in. If he wanted to take her out or do something special, he could. She wouldn’t argue with him.

So, the two went out to their car, and Vincent drove them to a place unknown to Rosaline.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Rosaline wasn’t sure what to think. They’d been out to eat here several times. This place wasn’t anything special to her. She didn’t really enjoy going out to eat either, and Vincent was well aware of this.

“Just humor me”, he whispered in her ear as he held the car door open for her.

They ate their meal in comfortable silence. Being in each other’s presence was still enough to satisfy both of them; they had no need for superficially styled conversations or questions for each other. They knew each other well.

After dinner, Vincent drove them to the park, where a stream flowed gently through the middle. Rosaline knew Vincent enjoyed coming here because it reminded him of the river by his old house: the same river Rosaline ran to for comfort whenever something bad happened: the same river where she finally threw Alec out of her heart and let Vincent inside.

Unexpectedly, Vincent knelt on one knee and offered his hand out to her. When she took his hand, he asked her sweetly, “Rosaline, baby girl, my only love, will you marry me?” and from his pocket produced a small box with a beautiful ring inside. She loved him with all her heart. He was always there for her and he knew exactly what she needed. So of course, when she offered her answer: it was yes.

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