Kili (adventuresofmylife)

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I had some free time in math and at the beginning of science! Hope you like it! <3

The company and I charged into battle, using all of our will and strength to kill the orcs and goblins. A year ago, my very good friend, Bilbo, opened the door to reveal a dwarf. That was when the adventure began. I am a dwarf from the Blue Mountains, my mother was a hobbit and my father was a dwarf. I left the Blue Mountains a short time before Erebor was attacked, I was so young then.

When I joined the company, I became so close to Fili and Kili that now they are like my brothers. But, deep down, I feel different about Kili. Not in a bad way, I have defferent feelings for him. He is more than a brother, he is my love. I have grown feelings for him over the journey, I doubt he likes me though. He is always talking about a dwarf that is waiting for him at the Blue Mountains. Now back to the battle.

I worked my way across the battle field, slaying orcs and goblins on every side. Suddenly, there was a big pain in the back of my head before everything went black.

*Time skip brought to you by Thranduils shampoo commercial*

"Tinuviel. Tinuviel. Please, wake up. I can't live without you!" A faint voice cried. I tried to open my eyes, but there was to bright of life and my head was killing me.

"Please, I love you! You are my one, the one J want to live with forever. The one I want to make my princess, the one I want to hold close and protect you from the evil in this world." The voice pleaded. I recognized the voice, it wad Kili's! Did he love me?

I opened my eyes slightly, letting my eyes adjust to the brightness.

"Tinuviel! Oh thank the Valar!" Kili sighed in relief and held me close. I lifted my sore arms and wrapped them around his neck.

"I love you too." I muttered into his ear. He pulled back with wide eyes.

"You heard that?" He whispered. I nodded and smiled before kissing his cheek. He smirked and brought his face just a inch in front of my face.

"You missed." He said before placing his lips on mine.

The Hobbit/LOTR Imagines, One Shots, and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now