Chapter Three

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Hey guys what's up, I'm trying to update regularly but that might not happen... Well I shall get on with this chapter.

[Cartman's P.O.V]

That fucking ginger Jew from jersey. She's using her evil Jew powers to make me feel this way, goddamit I feel so sick, that fucking Jew!! What did she do to me? Did she poison me with her Jew powers?

"Psst! Hey, Cartman." What the hell? I turn around to face who was talking to me. "What do you want poor boy!?" I whisper yell. "Dude what was up with you this morning?" I turn around quickly to the board to hide my blush.

"I'm fine! Leave me alone Kinnie!" I whisper yell. He gives me a unconvinced look. "You don't look fine dude." I feel my face starting to heat up, oh shit. "Dude fucking leave it alone!" Not being able to take the pressure anymore I somehow forget I'm in class and I don't whisper. Everyone in the class including the teacher who was instead, glaring at me.

"Eric is there a problem?"

"No ma'am." I stare down at my desk not wanting to piss the bitch off further. She eyes me suspiciously, almost expecting me to say more. "Alright then... Let's continue." She starts up her boring lecture again, me not really paying attention, I start to doodle a picture. I'm not really sure what I'm going for yet.

I turn my head and glance at the red headed Jew next to me. Scribbling notes down like always, she's such a nerd. I look at the way she's sitting, the way she holds her pencil in her firm grasp, I take in every detail about her. And then, I start to draw.

Woe, yea guys I'm sorry this is so short I promise I'll make the next one longer... Heh that's what she said.


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