Chapter Nine

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Eyyy I noticed this book is getting good views. I'm not gonna lie, I fangirled a little....

                [Cartman's P.O.V]

The rest of the hour dragged on but eventually it ended. 6th hour was next which ment last hour with everyone. Yes that class has practically everyone in it from 4th grade, the more you think of it the funnier it gets, because our teacher seats us alphabetically. So I have to sit by the Jew... I suppose its not that bad.

I walk over to Kenny who was leaning against some lockers. "Ey Cartman. Did you see what happened to Kyle's nose?" I growl lightly and Kenny smirks. This boy has some 6th sense or something, I never told him how I feel about Kyle, he literally just knew, and it's a bit freaky. "Yeah, Stan and his bitch are going to get an earful..." I crack my knuckles at the idea of me knocking that bitch on her ass and kicking Stan right in the balls. Kenny sighs as I daydream. "You know Cartman it's not all Stans fault..." I sigh and scratch my head.

"Yeah well he plays a big part, in this... I just... ugh!" This pisses me off, the fact that I can't comprehend my emotions. It's like my brain is bashing itself in my skull. Whenever I see Kyle.. I just... I don't know she just. I've spent my whole life pretending to hate her, I tried convincing myself that it was hate but I knew deep down it wasn't.

It's why I saved her and her 'loving' family, from that smug storm. It's why I broke inside when I thought she died from that whole imagination land thing, looking back at my 9 year old self at the time I thought it was because I wanted her to suck my balls, Hah that stupid agreement... But when she stopped breathing... and they said it was to late, that she was dead.

I just, I just lost it. There was also the time where she saved me from the jewpracabra.  I didn't understand how I got home that night and I didn't know where that blanket was from, I just knew that it smelled so good. It was so calming and it made me happy. It wasn't till a year later I was pondering on the though and it fucking hit me like a ton of bricks. Kyle. The smell... it was Kyle, that blanket was always at the foot of her bed.

I still have that blanket, and I wrap myself in it when I'm sad. It may sound childish, but on nights when my mom would bring home guys or when she would go out. I would bring out the blanket, turn on some music, whether it was to drown out the awful sounds of my mom selling her body or just to give me something to listen too and not have silence. Some nights were worse than others. Anyway let's continue my trip down memory lane.

The time when we got stuck in that cave because of Algore. God it was the worst, I was so stupid as a kid and I regret most things I've ever said or done, but that's something I will never admit.

When we were stuck in that cave there was a point where I found, what I thought at the time was treasure. I regrouped with everyone and and claimed I didn't find anything, we decided to rest for awhile. They did, I didn't. No because I was infatuated with the thought of all that pirate loot, it cracks me up thinking to my old self and how I thought. Yes here's the cringe part, I thought that the way to sneak all to gold out, was to eat it. Yes to eat it then puke it out later and use it. It was one of the worst pains I have ever experienced in my life, I could have died from it. In fact I almost did die and I would have took Kyle with me.

~~~~small flashback... jk it's not small :3~~~~

"Cartman! You need to keep swimming! Kick or something!" I could barely move, the gold was making me way to heavy and bloated. I felt like I was gonna explode, but it will all be worth it later. "No I can't! You just have to keep swhimmign!" My words are getting muffled by water. The cave is flooding with rushing and violent water, Stan and Kenny already made it to a rock, they stood there calling out for us to hurry. I couldn't swim due to my exhausted state.

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