Chapter 2

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Lucas's POV
Maya and I were talking about a sports team. Farkle walked over to us, holding a girl's hand. "Guys, this is Isadora Smackle. She's my cousin, from my aunt. She's seen us together.
She visited once, " Farkle said. Maya and I waved at Isadora, but she wasn't looking at us. She fixed her purple glasses, "Isn't there supposed to be a brown haired girl here?"
Maya eyes opened up wide, "Where is Riley?" I scanned the backyard, there weren't any Rileys there. Maya smirked, "She said she was using the bathroom." We all walked to the bathroom, and Maya knocked on the door. "Riles, hurry up. We're about to leave!" Maya said as she pounded the door. When 'Riley' didn't answer, Maya looked under the door. "Riley, I know you're in there, 'cause I see your shoes," she pouted. When the door opened, Missy Bradford walked out.
"You're not Riley?" Isadora said, but it sounded like a question. Missy smirked, "With glasses, you couldn't figure that out. Seventy percent of the world are idiots, and you are part of that." Farkle sighed, "Don't worry, Maya. Riley probably got tired and went home. Lets go there."
The time it took us to get to Riley's house was about an hour, because we dropped Isadora home. We knocked on the door, and Mr. Matthews opened.
"Greetings. We have come to check on Riley," Farkle said with a pleasant grin. Mr. Matthews scratched his head. "Riley isn't here. I thought she was with you?" he said. I shrugged, "She isn't here or at the party? That's so weird." Topanga came in, "Does that mean she is missing?" Maya took out her phone, "She didn't text me."
Maya took out her cellphone and dialed a number. "911. This is Maya Hart, I'm reporting a missing person. Her name is Riley Lynn Matthews."
In twenty minutes, cop cars swarmed in front of the apartment building. Several officers tried to calm down Topanga, others talked to Maya or Farkle. A police officer tapped me on the shoulder, "Can you describe Riley Lynn Matthews for me?" I wiped a tear from my eye, "She has dark brown eyes, brown hair with amber highlights, and pale skin. Also she has deep cheeks." The officer scribbled it into his notepad, "What was she wearing?" Tears began to fall down my cheek, "Um, a white shirt that said Thug Life and ripped jeans." The officer wrote that, too, "How are you associated with her?" I stared at him, "Why do you need to know?" He shrugged, "Routine."

After the cops left, Topanga went to bed. "It's only nine o'clock!" Farkle called after her. "I know, but the crying gave me a headache," she said, slamming the door. Maya had passed out on Farkle's lap, but he didn't notice. He lifted her on his back, and walked out of the apartment. "We'll be back tomorrow," I reassured Mr. Matthews. As I closed the door, I wondered where Riley could be.

Riley's POV

I opened my eyes, to see a unfamiliar room in front of me. There were wooden tables and chairs, and a window. My hands were hurting, and I turned my head to see a rope tied on them. I tried to move, put they were tied so tight, that if I tried it'd be painful. My left eye hurt so bad, and I didn't know why. Then all of my memories came flooded back, like a wave. Getting kidnapped, the truck, getting punched by a teen, and getting tied up. All the memories made my head hurt, so I imagined that a wall stopped them. The headache subsided, but the pain in my wrists were worse than any headache.

The room was really dark, but the moonlight from the window gave it a little light. Just enough light to see two shadows in front of me. They were arguing about something, and I only heard a few words. "She's little," one said with a little empathy. "Who cares? And when did you start caring about the victims?" the other one said. I was pretty sure they were talking about me. "Stay with her, while I get the boss?" the other one said, and then a door slammed.

There were footsteps and a huge sigh. The guy who was here kneeled in front of me, and sighed. Whoever he was, he was kind of cute. He had green eyes and red hair, his dimples were visible but hidden at the same time. "Please, let me go," I pleaded. He looked at me, "I can't. Even though I really want to." He said other things, but I saw a knife in his pocket. As he finished his sentence, I kicked him in the nuts. He groaned and fell down, with the knife sticking out.

I grabbed it, and cut myself out of the ropes. There was a ladder up to a porch. I quickly climbed up the ladder. The other guy, grabbed my leg and tried to pull me down. "Come on Riley! Don't make me mad!" he shouted. In self-protection, I kicked him in the face. He stumbled of the ladder, holding his nose. I got to the porch, and tried to climb out the window. A dirty rag came against my nose and mouth. I screamed, but it was muffled by the rag. "Come on Riley," a girl's voice said, "Don't fight it."

The room started to get darker by the second. When I looked up, I saw the girl's face. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and straight bangs. It was Missy Bradford. Those were the last thoughts, before I had passed out.

Lucas's POV

I did something bad.

Missy Bradford came over to my house, at three o'clock in the morning. She had heard about Riley's kidnapping, and comforted me. Soon, she was on my lap, touching my lips. "Don't fight it, Lucas." She had leaned in and forcefully pressed her lips against mine. The bad thing wasn't that she kissed me, it was that, I hadn't stopped her. I was so upset about Riley, I let her make out with me. When I finally realized what I was doing, I pushed her off. "You need to leave, now!" I had shouted, rubbing my forehead. "You'll come back. They always do," she said. She left with a sly smile on her face, and I threw up.

I spent the rest of the night crying into my pillow. My mother tried to calm me down, but I just kept sobbing. I had cheated on Riley with Missy, even though I wasn't dating either of them. It just didn't feel right, making out with Missy. The endless crying gave me a headache, so I eventually slept.

Farkle's POV

Maya's mom was out of state and Shawn was in Europe, and my parents let her sleep with us. Maya was sleeping in the guest room, since I wouldn't let her sleep on the couch. Staring at the wall didn't help me, so I went to the guest room. Maya was sleeping, her cheeks red from the crying. I looked at her and sighed. "Goodnight, Maya," I said kissing her forehead. She woke up.



"Don't leave me alone."

"Ok." For the rest of the night, we laid by each other, sleeping.

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