A Quick Little Update!!!

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So there are two important things I want to quickly tell you guys about, the first part is about me. :)

So I finally got my cast off my arm, but the doctor told me to take it really easy, because its still sore and a little bit numb, and is taking its slow time to heal.

The bad part is that my arm will never be as strong as it once was, and it will get tired easily doing the smallest things, like writing, typing, or lifting...

It makes me a little bit sad that I won't be able to do the things I loved so much as best as I did them before the accident, but hopefully after my physical therapy, my arm will be somewhat like it used to be. :)

And the second part is, I had my first interview!!! :)

(Germie was the interviewer, and she gave me my first chance to be interviewed)

Germie asked me a whole bunch of interesting questions, and it took me a while to reply to them, because of my arm, but she was patient, and now the interview is up!!! :)

So go check it out? ;) It makes me feel special to have someone want to interview me... -^_^-

So here is what it's called! - Wattpad Interviews With Jessica McCay

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