Chapter 1

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"There you go, all better." Phil smiled bandaging a little girls arm.

"Now what do you say to the nice doctor Sophia?" The little girls mother said.

"Thank you.." The girl, Sophia sniffed wiping her tears away.

"You're welcome sweetie." Phil smiled ruffling her hair, "Now be careful and listen to your Mommy when she tells you to not climb big trees."

Ever since he was a child, Phil wanted to be a doctor. He wanted to help people, he wanted to save lives. His determination made him work hard, he did not slack and now he made it, well he's almost there. He was a first year intern, only the best from his program had made it and he was one of them. Phil loved it, he loved being able to help people, although he was still learning he still got opportunities to show what he was capable of and often impressed everyone. His resident, was great, she was kind and a great doctor. But that didn't mean that all the residents were great, they all were amazing doctors but not all of them were kind. Doctor Parker was one of the ones all the interns tried avoiding she showed no compassion, Phil often wondered whether or not she was even human.

But he still loved his job, he loved to learn, he loved helping people. Today was a slow day, normally its a good thing, but for interns it just means a normal boring day with nothing exciting and just stitching up peoples cuts or prescribing medicine for the flu.

"There aren't even any cool surgeries today." Chris, his friend who was also an intern sighed standing next to him and looking at the board.

"It's a calm day today, I mean it's great nothing bad happened but that means nothing for us to do." Phil laughed softly. "A little girl hurt her arm after she fell off a tree but nothing serious."

"Is it bad that I wish something would happen?" Chris asked laughing.

"No, I think as doctors we are allowed to wish for that." He laughed, "But yeah, I do wish something interesting would happen, anything is better than nothing."

It was as if their wish was heard, their resident, Doctor Knight rushed to them.

"Lester, I need you to come with me now." She instructed.

"What's wrong?" Phil asked confused

"There was some sort of accident, its really bad and they need as many people as they can get." She explained, "Kendall, I need you to reschedule the surgeries that can wait, we will have a lot of people coming in and we will need the OR."

"I'm on it." Chris nodded grabbing the patients files.

Phil followed her and his other fellow interns into the ambulance, they loaded their supplies then boarded on.

"What exactly happened?" An intern, who went by the name Madison asked.

"I don't know the details I'm afraid, we will just have to wait and see."

The ambulance came to a stop, they all grabbed their bags and got out. Phil could not believe the sight in front of him, a large number of injured people, dead people and a ferry which was on fire. He wished he could take back his words of wanting something interesting to happen.

"Alright, look for survivors. Our goal is to help get as many as we can to the hospital. Some of them may require medical attention at the spot, be ready for anything."

Phil took a deep breath and made his way through the mess. He found a little girl calling for her mother.

"Sweetie are you hurt?" Phil asked crouching down, she shook her head.

"No but I can't find my mom.." She sobbed.

"Come with me, I'll take you to an officer and they will help you find your mother." Phil took her hand leading her to one of the officers who were helping lost children. He needed to get back to his job.

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