Chapter 2

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They all worked together in getting Dan into the ambulance being careful not move the metal piece in his chest not wanting to cause more damage.

"Will my daddy be alright?" Jake asked Madison who was holding onto him trying to keep him calm.

"You see all those nice doctors? They're going to do everything they can to help your daddy." Madison said.

"Is Phil going to help him?" He asked, Madison looked over at Phil giving him a questioning look.

"We all are going to help him, I promise." Phil assured him.

Dan's breathing was slowing down, he wasn't getting enough oxygen. Phil got an oxygen mask placing it on Dan's mouth and nose turning on the oxygen supply.

"I called the hospital they're making sure we have an OR available so we can operate on him at once." Doctor Knight said putting her phone away.

Phil felt a hand over his he looked down to see Dan looking up at him.

"Hey you're going to be alright, I promise." Phil smiled squeezing his hand.

Dan brought his other hand up weakly moving his oxygen mask away so he can talk.

"I-I need to know t-that Jake will be o-kay.." He said weakly.

"Jake is here in the ambulance." Phil said, "I promise he will be alright, he will be in excellent care."

Dan nodded putting the oxygen mask back in place. His eyes started closing, Phil knew that was not a good sign, they needed to keep Dan awake until they reached the hospital.

"Hey hey Dan, you need to stay awake." Phil and whispered squeezing his hand.

"I-I can't.. Too..tired..." He muttered.

"Dan, you need to stay awake please, for your son." Phil whispered stroking Dan's hair with his free hand, "And remember what we talked about? What I promised? Now I can only keep that promise if you promise to hold on and be strong."

"Y-you're only saying that b-because I-I am d-dying.." Dan stuttered.

"I really do mean when I say that I would love to take you out sometime." Phil assured him, "But I can only do that if you hold on."

Dan looked up at Phil and nodded slightly, he knew he needed to hold on, not just for this man who he had just met but for his son, who would have no one if something were to happen to him. Moments later they arrived at the hospital, and Dan was rushed inside. Phil stayed by his side the entire time while they prepped him for surgery assuring him that everything will be alright. Before Dan was put under anesthesia Phil kissed his hand saying he will see him in a few hours.

"We need more blood, he lost too much blood.." One of the doctors instructed, one of the interns brought another bag of blood.

Phil looked over at his heart monitor, his heart rate was starting to drop. "We're losing him, we can't let him die."

"I'm doing the best I can but his internal injuries are worse than I thought." Dr. Knight said, there was a hint of frustration in her voice.

Phil opened his mouth to say something but stopped upon hearing someone entering the OR.

"Doctor Lester, your patients son won't let anyone stitch up his cuts. He keeps saying he wants his Dad and the only doctor he wants is you."

"I'm coming.." Phil sighed, he did not want to leave Dan's side, especially not when he was not doing so well but he knew that Dan would want him to keep an eye on his son, making sure he was treated and taken care of.

Phil followed the nurse into the ER where Jake was sitting on a bed hugging his knees and crying.

"What's wrong buddy?" Phil asked sitting on the chair next to the bed.

"I want my daddy.." He sobbed quietly.

"Jake, your daddy is still in surgery.." Phil said putting his hand on Jake's shoulder.

"Will he be out of surgery soon?" Jake asked looking up at him. Phil just looked at Jake unsure of what he should tell him. He couldn't just tell a four year old that his father was not doing well and may not even make it out of the surgery alive, but lying wouldn't be any better either.

"Hopefully." Phil said, "But you need to be keep being brave for him like you were when you brought me to him alright?"

Jake wiped his tears away with the back of his hand and nodded quietly.

"Now, how about you let me take care of that cut on your cheek?" Phil asked.

"Will it hurt?" He asked, Phil could see the fear in his eyes.

"Not at all, I will give you a needle you'll just feel a little pinch but then you won't feel any pain while I fix your cut." Phil assured him. Jake nodded grabbing onto Phil's coat for comfort. Phil stitched up his cut and bandaged it. "There you go, now I'll take a look at that next week just done touch it or do anything that will rip out the stitches alright?"

"Thank you.." Jake said quietly.

"So do you want to go to the children centre and play?" Phil asked taking Jake's hand.

"I want to see Daddy.."

"Olivia, can you tell me when Daniel Howell is out of surgery?" Phil asked one of the nurses who smiled and nodded. "Alright so you see that nice nurse, she will tell us when your daddy is out of surgery."

"Alright.." Jake said. Phil took him to the children centre and watched him color. "I'm going to make a card for Daddy."

"I'm sure your Daddy will love that." Phil smiled ruffling his hair.

Chris came around looking for Phil, they had not spoken since Phil left to the accident site.

"Are you on baby sitting duty?" Chris asked jokingly.

"He's actually one of the patients kids, he was involved in the accident." Phil explained getting up and letting Jake decorate his card.

"How's the patient doing?" Chris asked.

"Not so great when I left the OR to check on Jake, I'm waiting for an update." Phil sighed, "I told him I'd take him out on a date if he holds on and survives this."

"You did? Why?" He asked confused.

"He thought he was dying and was flirting and I told him that he is not going to die." He explained, "I really hope he survives I mean he has a four year old and he seems like such a nice man.."

"Sounds like you have a little crush on your patient." Chris winked nudging Phil with his elbow.

"Alright, maybe I do." Phil smiled not denying it. "Can you watch Jake for me? I'm going to go to the OR to see how everything is."

Chris nodded. Phil thanked him and made his way to the OR seeing Olivia along the way.

"I was just coming over to find you." She smiled, "The patient is out of surgery."

"And how is he doing?" Phil asked.

"Doctor Knight said hes should be fine, they moved him to his room and are waiting for him to wake up." She explained, "You can go see him."

"That's great." Phil smiled sighing in relief. "Thank you Olivia."

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