Chapter 4

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"Good morning." Phil smiled moving the curtains in Dan's room letting the light shine in. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel a lot better now." Dan smiled, he had been in the hospital for a few weeks now and was finally starting to feel better. His wounds healed and he didn't show any more signs of risks.

"So, your doctor says that you should try walking now. You're recovering really smoothly and should practice walking." Phil said looking at Dan's charts.

"You think I can?" He asked.

"Of course, I'll be there with you and you'll have crutches." Phil smiled, "I'll go get them now and I'll bring a wheelchair along in case you get tired and need a break."

Dan nodded, he sat up and waited for Phil to come back with the crutches. The last few weeks he was here Phil took great care of him and Jake. When he would time off he would play with Jake or sit with Dan and just talk. They had quite a few things in common with each other, Phil was a great and he really liked him. It was the first time Dan felt this way for someone in a while, after his divorce he was left a single father taking care of his son. All his time went into Jake, he didn't complain and didn't mind, his son was his entire life and he would give up anything for him. But it was nice to finally feel something, the way Phil was with him it seemed as if he felt the same for Dan, or so Dan hoped he did.

Phil came back after a short while with crutches and a wheelchair. He helped Dan get out of bed and helped him properly position the crutches.

"Just take small steps, we will do a small round of this floor for today." Phil said keeping his hand on Dan's back making sure he was in balance before letting go. Once he was sure of it he let go backing up a bit.

Dan took small steps, his legs were still really sore from the accident. They were hurt really bad but they were better.

"So where's Jake?" Dan asked trying to start conversation hoping it'll take his mind off the pain.

"He's playing with the children in the daycare." Phil said, "Don't worry I have Chris checking up on him when Im busy."

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Dan smiled turning his head to look at Phil. "So what are you interested in?"

"I want to go into paediatrics, I love working with children." Phil explained, "If they need any help with any of the kids I'm always first to volunteer."

"But here you are stuck with me." He chuckled. The two turned a corner in the hallway.

"You're an exception, I enjoy helping you out." Phil smiled, "Besides I did find you, well your son took me to you so I take it as my responsibility to make sure you're alright."

Dan smiled at him, he felt his cheeks burn up. After a while of walking he got tired and stopped.

"Alright I think I'm ready to head back to my room." Dan sighed, Phil took the crutches from Dan putting them aside before helping him sit down on the wheelchair. He wheeled Dan back to his room, helped him onto the bed and sat down on the edge. "I can't wait until I get discharged."

"Tired of the depressing hospital vibe, or you're just so looking forward to the date I promised?" Phil asked laughing.

"A bit of both." Dan laughed, "I know its a lot for Jake, he doesn't have anyone except for me so he's stuck here as well."

"So his mother isn't a part of his life?"

Dan shook his head, "She wants nothing to do with me or him. When I finally decided to tell her the truth, that I'm gay she didn't take it well. When Jake was born she said she didn't want anything to do with him."

"That's horrible, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, I mean it showed the real her right? And I don't want my son around someone so awful."

"That's true," Phil nodded in agreement "And you're a great Dad, Jake always has nothing but good things to say about you anyways."

That made Dan smile even more, he always felt as if he wasn't a great father. He tried his best to make time for Jake and to keep him happy.

"Thank you. I just find it so difficult to manage with my time you know, I need to work but then I also need to keep my son happy."

"You're doing a great job." Phil assured him, "And right now, all you need to do is focus on getting better."

"I know I've said this a million times, but thank you for everything Phil. You're a great doctor I hope you know that." Dan smiled.

"I'm just an intern.." Phil shrugged, "All of this is thanks to doctor knight, not me.."

"Why do you put yourself down by using the term intern? You're just still learning that doesn't make you any less of a good doctor." Dan said, he reached over and took Phil's hand in his own. "She's a great doctor but you took care of me the most, you're the only reason I'm alive."

Phil intertwined their fingers and smiled at Dan, "You really think that?"

"Of course, besides everyone calls you doctor Lester. Not just anyone gets that title, you and all the other interns are amazing doctors who are learning."

Phil took his free hand and brought it up to Dan's cheek stroking it gently. He put his forehead against Dan's smiling at him. Dan could feel his breath on his face, he could feel his heart racing now. Dan was not the the kind of person to get nervous around people but Phil made him nervous, especially right now. Phil leaned in closer, his lips almost touching Dan's.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

Dan didn't respond, he took his hand from Phil's cupping his cheeks and pressed his lips against Phil's. Phil kissed back passionately, he had been wanting to do that for the past few weeks now. They pulled away and looked at each other smiling, Phil leaned in and pecked his lips a few times before they were interrupted.

"Oh um sorry." Chris said when he walked into the moment. "Didn't realize you'd be um, busy."

They looked back at Chris who was holding a sleeping Jake.

"It's alright, when did he fall asleep?" Dan asked holding out for Jake. Chris walked over to Dan, putting Jake down next to him. Jake instantly shifted in his sleep grabbing onto his dad.

"Not too long ago, I remembered last time he got upset when I didn't bring him up to you so I thought I would." Chris said.

"I appreciate that, thank you." Dan smiled, Chris smiled back and nodded. He winked at Phil before leaving the room making him laugh silently.

"It's almost time for lunch, I should get you your lunch." Phil said looking at the time.

"Oh great." Dan said, hospital food was definitely not his favorite.

"Don't worry, I'll go find a restaurant and sneak you in something nice." Phil laughed, "I'll bring something for Jake as well."

"Thank you, you're a life saver." Dan smiled. Phil leaned down and kisses him once more before heading out. Dan smiled to himself. Maybe the accident wasn't the worst thing that happened to him.

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