Chapter 3

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Phil felt relieved, Dan was out of surgery and should be waking up soon. He sat next to his bedside for a while, talked to him hoping he could hear what he was saying. He figured that Dan would wake up soon so he should go get Jake, the first person Dan would want to see when he wakes up would be his son. Phil got up and walked to the children's centre seeing Chris just leaving the playroom.

"Hey, where's Jake?" Phil asked, "His Dad should be awake soon."

"The little guy was exhausted, he's taking a nap." Chris said, "Do you want me to wake him up?"

"Let him sleep for a while, I'll come get him when Dan wakes up." Phil smiled walking back to the room.

Phil walked back to Dan's room only to hear a bunch of doctors shouting and talking at the same time, nurses and interns ran past him and towards Dan's room.

"What's going on? Is Dan awake?" Phil asked, he could tell by their faces that it probably was not good news.

"No, I don't know what happened I just got paged." One of the doctors said.

"He's not dying is he?" He asked, his eyes started to tear up.

"Look I can't have anyone crying in that room. You're going to wait outside and I'll update you." He left not even letting Phil protest. Phil was left staring at the closed door, scared that maybe Dan might not pull through. Now he understood why everyone told him that doctors should not get emotionally attached to their patients. Dan was just someone he saved, someone he had just met, now the thought of Dan dying was hurting him.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Chris asked walking up to Phil. He was holding Jake's hand who appeared to have just woken up and was also holding a drawing.

"Something happened to Dan, they're not letting me in.." Phil explained blinking the tears away. "Can you go in their please?"

Chris nodded letting go of Jake's hand. Jake walked over to Phil and tugged on his scrubs.

"Isn't Daddy awake yet?" Jake asked looking up at Phil. Phil crouched down to Jake's level moving his brown hair from his eyes.

"The doctors are going to tell us when your daddy will wake up ok?" Phil said, Jake nodded quietly holding onto the drawing he had made for Dan.

They waited for what seemed like hours but was just a half hour, Jake sat in Phil's lap showing him the drawing he had made for Dan, Chris had even helped him to write get well soon daddy on it. He learned a lot talking to Jake, he found out it was just him and Dan, his mother was not a part of his life and Dan did not have any parents either. Chris walked out after a while following by the other doctors.

"What happened?" Phil asked standing up.

"He wasn't able to breathe so well, so he wasn't getting enough oxygen." Chris explained.

"How is he right now?" Phil asked.

"He's stable, but we put a tube in his throat to help him breathe." He explained, "There's still a good chance that he will wake up."

Phil thanked Chris, he walked back to Jake and picked him up. He thought that the little boy should at least see his father.

"Why isn't daddy awake yet?" Jake asked.

"Your Dad is just resting right now, he's just regaining his energy." Phil assured him.


The next day the interns were back to their normal schedules. Phil had just finished up with rounds and dealing with patients and decided to go check on Dan. He saw Jake run out of Dan's room towards him.

"What's wrong?" Phil asked catching Jake who nearly fell back bumping into him.

"Daddy is choking!!" Jake said his eyes teared up. Phil quickly ran to his room, that meant that Dan was awake. He felt relieved when he saw that he was awake, he assured Dan that everything is alright and carefully took the tubes out. Phil examined him, his heart rate was normal and his breathing was a whole lot better too, his stitches showed no signs of infections.

"You gave us quite the scare." Phil chuckled putting his equipment away.

"Where's my son?" Dan asked, his voice was scratchy and tired.

"He's outside I'll go get him." Phil opened the door letting Jake into the room. He helped him sit on the bed next to his father.

"There's my brave boy." Dan smiled hugging Jake and kissing his forehead. "How are you little man?"

"I got stitches daddy." Jake said pointing to the bandage, "I was scared and cried a little at first but then Phil promised it won't hurt and then I didn't cry!"

"Really? That's good I'm proud of you." Dan smiled moving Jake's hair from his eyes.

"How about you show your daddy your card." Phil suggested.

"Oh!" Jake remembered getting the drawing from the side table and showed Dan. "Look, that's you and that's me."

"Awh, I love it thank you." Dan said looking at the picture.

"Phil's friend Chris, who's also a doctor helped me write on it. Phil played with me and talked to me when he wasn't working."

"Thank you." Dan said looking up at Phil and smiling.

A little while later, Jake fell asleep cuddled to his dad. Dan kept his arm around him, he was a little uncomfortable but he didn't want to move.

"I can move Jake if you want?" Phil offered entering the room after checking on his other patients.

"It's alright, after what happened I don't think I'd ever want to let go of him." Dan said kissing the top of Jake's head. "He was so brave, I'm sure it wasn't a pretty sight but he was so brave."

"He was, you have a brave son." Phil said taking a seat next to the bed.

"Thank you, for taking care of him and being there when I couldn't be there for him." Dan whispered, his voice was still scratchy. "He's my entire life and he's all I've got. I would die if anything ever happened to him so thank you for looking after him."

"You don't have to thank me." Phil assured him, "He's a great kid, I enjoyed spending time with him."

Dan smiled, he took his free hand and held it out. Phil noticed and took his hand in his own and squeezed it gently smiling back at Dan.

"You saved my life Phil, you took care of my son and I cannot thank you enough." Dan's eyes teared up.

"No need to thank me, I was just doing my job." Phil smiled wiping Dan's tears away. "You should get some sleep too, I'll check on you after a couple of hours and if you need me just ask for me I'll be here overnight. Good night"

Dan nodded, he shifted a bit putting his other arm around Jake as well pulling him a little closer but tried keeping a small distance. He looked up at Phil and smiled. "Good night."

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