1) Enchanted ♕

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"Once there was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter. Now it happened that he had to go and speak to the king, and in order to make himself appear important he said to him, "I have a daughter who can spin straw into gold." "

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It was twilight when I chose to ignore my father's command. The sky was getting dim as the sun is on its way to retire and let night take over.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. I wiped my sweaty palms on my skirt, an action that would disappoint my governess but I was uneasy. This would be the first time that I would ignore the King's orders. I knew I shouldn't do this.

I opened the door and peeked sideways to see if there was a sign of life outside of my room. My mind was contradicting itself - I was hoping that there were no people outside but I was also hoping there were, so I could abandon this reckless escapade I was planning.

"Come on, you can do this." I encouraged myself. I placed my foot outside of my room and gently placed pressure on the floor to test how much noise I was about to make as I pass through the door right in front of mine.

The gigantic mahogany door just across my bedchamber was my brother's room. It was quite unfortunate that he was a light sleeper. Any audible sound of movement would wake him up and I wasn't going to risk getting caught. So with the pace of a snail, I lifted my skirt and tiptoed quietly past through my brother's door, to the corridor that was leading to my freedom.

As soon as I knew I was out of earshot, I picked up my speed and ran as fast as I can without attracting too much noise. Though I managed to go through Leonard's door, I am not that confident that the servants will overlook me should they see me going outside.

An hour from now the fireworks will be released in the night sky showing the townspeople that my birthday is about to come. Preparations are being done by thousands of servants. I found it quite lavish. It took a great amount of effort to convince Father to be satisfied with just a ball. He was originally planning for a festival.

I zigzagged through the corridors that had always made me feel a bit claustrophobic and when I reached the kitchen, I swiftly turned right. When I saw the small, unassuming door, I slowed down until I was walking closer to it. On instinct, I again looked around to see if somebody has spotted me yet but to my utter relief there was no one to witness me committing treason.

Ignoring the King's direct command is treason. For some unexplained reason, my father even bothered to make sure that I stayed in my room the whole duration of the night until my actual birthday. The explanation that they thought I would accept is that they were making a big surprise for me but I am no fool.

I twisted the knob gingerly and then as I opened the door, fresh wind swept, tempting my nostrils with the scent of greeneries, forest and...

And adventure.

Outside was the famous Palace Garden. Recently it has become a tourist spot for rich travelers visiting this kingdom. But now, it was as quiet as the flowers that ornamented the garden.

I gave myself another time to contemplate abandoning this and retreat to my bedchamber. But as usual, my mind gave one conclusion:

To hell with it.

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