37) Spy

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Madeleine, Verago and Zachariah were placed under strict supervision. The third floor of the castle where they resided was locked down, allowing no one but authorised people to come inside. Not even maids dared enter the third floor. I was forced to stay at the second floor along with my younger brothers because even we were not permitted inside.

Leonard accompanied the King as they oversaw the training of the Royal Army every day and my brother trained along them. Leo was no stranger with blades but when they are up against beings that were not like us, it did not console my anxious feelings. Dinner now did not consist of Father and my brother and even the lavish food did not entice our appetites.

I felt restless that night in my sleep but then again, that's how I spent most of my nights recently. I tossed and turned until I decided I needed fresh air. I threw the sheets away and wrapped a shawl around me. I lit a gas lamp and made my way outside my room and to the balcony where I can inhale fresh air.

My shadows danced as I passed the dark corridors with only the gas lamp to light my way and my thoughts bounced from Ryszard to my brother and the fate of our kingdom.

I heard a thump.

I froze in my tracks.

Then another crash. 

It came from the room to my left.

My heart began to thud against my chest and my hands trembled. The room on the very edge of the dark hallway felt as if it was an entrance to a demon's lair. It loomed hauntingly as I approached and I heard a choking sound echo, increasing my fear. I swallowed a whimper as I slowly peeked into the room, ready to bolt at any signs of danger.

When I saw what was happening in the room, my legs almost gave way.

The body of Zachariah lay dead in the corner of the room, blood smeared on the wall where he was impaled. In the centre, Madeleine – my most trusted advisor, the woman who I grew fond of, the one I wished to survive the most among them – was kneeling down beside Verago. Her hands were wrapped around his neck tightly, blocking all air.

Verago clawed at her hands, trying to free himself as he glowered at her with all his might. "Y-y-you tr-trait-tor..."

This time, I did not stop the scream that I let out.

But it was too late.

His body slumped down lifelessly in the floor, his mouth open, and eyes wide. I heard my ragged breaths as I looked at Madeleine in horror. She had her back on me. "Madeleine... what have you done?"

She slowly stood up and faced me. Her beautiful face was painted with blood, her stern eyes darkened with hate. The silvery hair which I admired altered its colour. From the top of her head, brown strands replaced what used to be silver and the face I somehow looked at with respect morphed into features that were not so foreign to me.

I staggered, shudder overcoming my senses.

"L-lady Claudia Artwood?" I barely managed something louder than a whisper. There was no mistake. I can clearly remember the face of the annoying woman back in Ryszard's manor.

She smiled but it was anything but friendly. "I am glad you still remember me, Your Highness."

I stepped back, realising that if she wanted to sink a blade in my heart, she could do so within seconds. From a distance away, I could hear numerous footsteps approaching. The guards probably heard my scream. Lady Claudia stayed rooted at her spot, her gaze resolved. She made no move to escape nor did she try to murder me.

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