42) Her Brother

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Do you know the kind of happiness that took your breath away? The kind that would make your heart race and form tears in your eyes? That kind of happiness took over my body as I beheld my friend who just saved my life. I was too lost in the moment, too glad and happy to mind my surroundings and the fact that I was in the most dangerous situation I've ever been in my entire life. I wanted to run to him and crush my body against his because finally, finally he turned up alive.

But before I could even blink or utter a word, he was gone from his spot and he charged with the speed of something almost inhuman. I can only watch in fascination as his whole body lit up with the blue hue of his magic, the strange energy emanating from his very presence threatened me to shake. I've never seen him like this before. Powerful, quick, bloodthirsty...

His target was the witch as he leapt and charged with the grace of a seasoned fighter. I was transfixed as the two battled. Their movements and the way they responded to each other made them look as if they were dancing to an invisible tune no one can hear. Jerard had the advantage of having both of his arms intact but that did not mean the witch couldn't hold him off.

Alania jumped and swung, using her legs to its full potential now that she couldn't rely on her hands to cast a spell and for someone as petite as her, she had surprising leg strength. Her toes grew talons and made it her weapon as she tried to contain Jerard's formidable strength. Not only that, her long, black hair seemed to take on a life of its own as it stroke Jerard like thousands of whips unleashed.

Although Jerard was considerably stronger than when I first saw him fight, he still strained to land a blow at Alania and the witch used her size against him. She moved too quick and too swift and despite the absence of her arms she seemed to be flying as she counteracted his blows. In fact, it seemed as if she was growing stronger and stronger. Jerard's strength and power would be useless when the target moved out of its way before he could hit it—

At the corner of my eye, my dagger glinted and I forced myself to tear my gaze away as I made my way to my dagger in the hopes of having at least some kind of weapon to protect me.

Before I could even reach for my dagger, a terrible screech burst my ears and the next thing I knew I was thrown far, far away from my dagger. I groaned and I thought I heard another rib crack. I shook away nausea that was about to engulf my mind and focused my eyes at the beast of a sister I had. Felicity crouched like a cockroach about to spring and something about her maniacal expression made me feel as if she lost a little of her humanity. She blocked the way to my dagger and I could see blood trickling down her forehead. She growled lowly—a sound a woman couldn't possibly make.

"Damn you, Felicity," I hissed when my vision started wobbling. How many times did I hit my head? I can't lose consciousness right now. It was the worst possible timing.

Meanwhile, I heard a loud crash and when I whipped my head to the direction, a large gaping hole was formed in the walls of the cave as Alania sent Jerard to a direction that would destroy his body. But the fact that Alania leapt to the hole and made more crashing noise meant that Jerard survived the force.

Not to mention he left me alone with this bitch.


I tried to stand but all I managed was a wonky posture, my arms pressed on the cave walls to support me. "Felicity, what do you hope to gain from this?" I barely heard my voice but I heard her beastly growl. Was she becoming more a monster?

"Come on, Fel, let's talk this through." I didn't know why I was even talking to this woman. Alania clearly said that she was designed not to feel nothing but hate. She couldn't feel sad nor could she feel happy—she was just an embodiment of anger and vengeance.

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