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*Important announcement at the end*

If this was a year ago, or the year before that, never in my whole life would I guess that I would be placed in this situation that could be described as nothing but odd.

To begin with, I was the size of a dwarf's toe and this was so that I could slip and escape from a cat. If somebody told me that this would happen later on in my life, I would have probably laughed and would wave it as nothing but wild imagination. Well, apparently not. Because I am exactly in that situation.

I was hugging myself, trying to endure the dizziness I feel. Right now, I was inside Biscuit's pocket as he tries to go out and pave the way to freedom. All he needed to do was to go past the living room – where Janno was at – without raising his suspicions. You might think that it would be a pretty easy task, but for someone like Biscuit, who looked as if he's about to throw up because of nervousness, it proved to be quite a challenge. All I can do is to cross my fingers and pray everything goes well.

"Biscuit is going out now," he said.

Good luck. This could be the only chance to escape.

I heard the door click open and my heart hammered against my chest so hard I was afraid Janno would hear.

"Biscuit? You're still awake?" I heard Janno's voice.

"B-Biscuit just needs to... to go out... for a while..." he stammered and I silently prayed Janno thought he had speech impediment. "Breathe some fresh air, ha ha..."

He sounded so unnatural, even his movements. I was breathing so hard I had to cover my mouth.

We were moving so slowly that every step felt like hours. I can still feel Janno's presence and that nagging feeling that he would catch us any moment, any second. My hands were trembling so much of nervousness. If we were caught, no doubt Janno would keep a stricter eye on me and escape would be impossible.

My breathing only slowed down when I heard the door creak open and the sound of Biscuit's shoe crashing against the dirt, which meant we were outside.


I tried my very best not to squeal with happiness when Biscuit's steps were steady as he was going out, farther and farther from the house. He managed to slip past Janno without him noticing!

This is finally it, I can finally go home! Back to the castle, back to my brothers, my parents –

"Hold on a second."

That voice crushed my heart.

Biscuit froze, visibly startled and afraid. Slowly, he faced the voice.

"Biscuit," Janno enunciated, "What are you hiding?"

"W-what do you mean?" his voice shook.

"I thought it was strange that you looked so uneasy," Janno said. "But I thought you might be nervous around strangers. When you went out, I thought this was the chance to check up on the princess, to see if she was feeling uncomfortable, but alas, she was not there."

Biscuit might be a kid, but he can clearly sense my desperation. The next thing he did was that he grabbed me from his pocket and with all the strength he could muster, he hurled me towards the opposite direction with a mighty cry, "Eat whatever kind of mushroom!"

Which would be a pretty strange battle cry. Nevertheless, I flew in the air without any warning and the only good thing was that I landed in a thick pile of bushes that cushioned my fall. He had the sense to throw me where, at the size that I am, Janno would have a hard time finding me.

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