Strange Encounter

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"Bye [Y/N]!" [Y/F/N] shouts as she waves from her house. You wave back smiling, you wait until she's gone into her house, then walk inside and happily flop down onto your bed, "Ah~ I missed you!" You laugh hugging your pillows. You smile to yourself and then remember that you found an old game in the store the other day; Majora's Mask! You grin and run downstairs to get snacks and drinks, then you run back up and start up the game. You shuffle around until you're comfy and then the game starts, you notice the file named BEN and laugh, someone must have known about the Creepypastas. You smile and play through it until it starts to glitch, "Huh must be a fake?" you shrug, "Still fun!" you continue playing through the glitching until it gets too hard to play and being called BEN gets annoying. You sigh and go back to the home screen, you stare at the file named BEN but don't delete it.

You go to turn the game off and it glitches out even more tempting you to delete the file but you just sigh and turn it off before getting changed into some sleep shorts and a tank top, climbing into bed you smile and soon drift off.
You awake to a constant dinging and rub your eyes, you glance around your room and notice it's coming from your computer. You groan and drag yourself out of bed, shuffling over to the computer. You collapse into the chair and rub your eyes once more before finally looking at the screen to see Cleverbot opened up. Huh, maybe the guy who hacked the game set this up?

Cleverbot: Did I wake you up?

Strange... You shrug and type back a reply, might as well humor him.

You: Yes, you did.
Cleverbot: I'd apologise...But i'm not sorry.
You: Nice to know Cleverbot...I'm going back to bed.
Cleverbot: Names BEN. Not Cleverbot.

You laugh a little at this, whoever it is certainly knows what they're doing.

You: As in BEN Drowned?
Cleverbot: Obviously, who else would it be?

Asshole. That's what you think to yourself as you stand and walk back over to the computer, falling into the chair and glaring at the screen.

Cleverbot: Go ahead and sleep, i'll be right here, and i'll see you in the morning. Or he will, either way.

You decide not to reply and switch your computer off, shuffling back to bed, you think someone has probably hacked into the game and made it so when someone plays the game and it starts to glitch out, Cleverbot opens up to whatever electronics you have around you is the easiest to hack into and you chat with an AI or another person.
You sigh and fall back asleep, dreading waking up for school the next day. So much effort.

- The next day -

When you went to school the next day, you don't say anything about the events of last night. They probably wouldn't believe you anyway, just think you imagined the whole thing.

At lunch you were just walking around with your friends heading to your next class as you feel your phone vibrate; Sleepy?
You raise an eyebrow at the text but decide to reply anyway, why not?
You: Yeah I am. Who is this??
???: BEN
You: Ah, it's you again.
BEN: That it is.
You: Need anything?
BEN: ... Energy drinks?
You: Done.

You laugh as you put the phone away and walk to your next class, thinking you might as well buy some energy drinks. Hey, you asked so now you have to follow through with it.
After class you walk to the shops with your best friend, smiling and chatting to each other. You buy the drinks and some other junk food, you walk out and your phone begins to ring. "Ah just a second" you smile at your friend and look at your phone. BEN.

"Hey Ben, I got your drinks" you laugh down the phone, there's silence for a while. "Thanks" the voice sounds like it's glitching a little, must be your phone. "Well? What should I do with them? I can leave them in my fridge or leave them on this wall?" you laugh again and your friend looks at you funny. "Um...Your fridge?" he says, almost as if asking a question. "Okie dokie, by Ben!" you say happily and hang up.

"Who was that?" your friend says watching you, "Some guy called Ben, he hacked my game last night and we started talking, he seems pretty nice" I shrug. "So you bought him energy drinks?" "That's what he wanted!" I laugh as we continue walking. "And you're leaving them in your fridge?" "Hey! He might come over!" I grin and she raises an eyebrow at you, you just raise yours back at her. "You don't even know the guy!" she protests, "I didn't know you when we became best friends!" you challenge. "Touche, and so he's becoming your new best friend? Thanks for replacing me" she says fake crying. "You are always my number one, so shush!" you pet her head and smile. "Good, but seriously though, you're so trusting! And you're not scared of anything" she laughs, "Well apart from [your fear]" she grins. You shiver and nod at her, "I dunno, i'm just not easily scared" you shrug, your friend rolls her eyes at you "I blame all those stories you read and write! And those movies!" she sighs and then you both laugh as you walk home.

Your friend only lives a few houses away from you so you spend most of the time chatting and then part ways. You put the drinks in the fridge, taking one for yourself and you take the rest of your things upstairs, you go onto your computer to message your best friend that you just left and search the web. -Look at this!- You send a message to her including a picture of a Ben x Jeff photo, she tells you how much she loves it and then pops up again a few seconds later. -If they saw us looking at this, they'd kill us- you grin at that. -Most likely- -Imagine if that Ben guy who hacked you was BEN Drowned!!- You blush as you read her message. -I admit, I thought about it >///< - -Of course you have xD-

Yes you knew of the Creepypastas, everyone has. They scare a lot of people, but fascinate you, yes they do incite fear in you but not as much as other people. You have become numb to most fear and pain. As you remember this a memory resurfaces from not too long ago;
"How can you still smile so happily?" the boy glares down at you, "How can you still live your life? After everything why are you not broken?!" he shouts angrily and smacks you across the face. Hard. You spit out some blood and smile, after all he hates your smile. He used to love it until he realised he could never make it disappear. "Because I am so much more than this. I will not fall here" I say to him and he kicks me in my stomach twice before leaving the room. You lay on the floor groaning in pain a little and then sit up and smile. This is one thing you will not lose.

Everlasting Smile (Jeff x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now