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-Jeff's POV-

"It's this one" I say pointing at the house and looking back at EJ and he nods, "She left her window open, it's almost as if she knew we were coming" he laughs and I just shake my head and shrug. "Who knows, maybe she did" we both make our way to her window and EJ climbs inside and inspects her room whilst I just sit there on her windowsill and watch her. "Even in her sleep she smiles" I mumble and EJ looks over at me. "She's similar to you in that respect, both of you always smiling" he looks at me and then her again before shrugging and begins to read one of her books. I laugh quietly at him, "I guess we are" I don't look around her room because I can't find it in myself to move away from her. I see her face twitch in her sleep, she's probably felt our presence here but isn't waking up. Well it's better that way.

-Your POV-

You must have fallen asleep at some point because you wake up to noises outside, you rub the sleep out of your eyes but keep them closed and move back to the position you were in before as you hear them get closer to the window. You hear someone climb inside your room and make sure you only make small movements or no movement. You hear them walking around your room and then you hear a voice "Even in her sleep she smiles" you hear them mumble and the voice makes your shiver a little but not in a bad way. Then you hear another voice, there must be two of them. "She's similar to you in that respect, both of you always smiling"

... Wait.. It then clicks into your brain that this must be Jeff and those texts you got must be from him. The other voice is different from the one you heard on the phone so it can't be Ben. Now either these are the real thing and the actual creepypastas are in your room or someone takes pranking to a whole new level.The thought of it actually being the creepypastas excites you a little and you feel your smile widen a little, you try to keep it to a minimum though. The thought occurs to you that maybe you are insane.

"I guess we are" you hear who you think is Jeff respond, his laugh gives you butterflies but you ignore it to focus on the two. You hear whoever the other one is pull a book off your shelf, he must be reading to pass the time....Who the heck does that when they're entering someone else's home without them knowing?! ... Then again who else smiles and listens in like you?

You don't hear Jeff move and realise he's still sat on your windowsill, he must be watching you. That gives you an idea, it may get you killed but either way you want to try it.

You sigh and turn over so you're facing him, keeping your eyes closed and face calm so he thinks you're still asleep.

-Jeff's POV-

She sighs and turns over in her sleep making me jump a little since I was just spacing out watching her, EJ laughs quietly at me and I glare at him, "Shut it EJ" I whisper shout to him and decide to move off the window since it's getting quite uncomfortable and sit on her bed, since it's directly under the window, I make sure i'm not disturbing her and EJ just stares at me. "What? The window was uncomfortable" I shrug and he laughs again, "Yeah sure, whatever you say" he says before going back to his book. I hear her moving a little and look over to see she's moved a little closer in her sleep.

-Your POV-

Ah so the other person is EJ you think to yourself as you shuffle a little closer to Jeff who now has sat on the bed, he's sat next to you in the middle. Perfect. You feel his eyes on you and you settle down and relax, once his eyes leave you to look at EJ as they talk quietly. You take the opportunity when Jeff laughs a little louder than before and shoot your arm out grabbing his waist and pulling him down so he's laid next to you and you're snuggled into him. "Holy shit!" he whisper shouts in shock, EJ bursts out laughing but keeps it quiet. "You should have been quieter, now you're stuck!" he manages to whisper shout out. "It was your fucking fault!" Jeff whisper shouts back and tries to move my arm away. You whine quietly and pull him closer so your head is on his chest and your leg on top of his. You can feel both your hearts beating fast and you smile. This is exciting!

"Dude you've pulled" EJ laughs and watches from his position on the floor, "Shut up and help!" Jeff whisper shouts, "I don't think I can, I think you're just gunna have to stay there" You hear the smirk in EJ's voice and mentally high five him. This guy is fun! "I am so going to kill you after this" Jeff growls and you feel it in his chest making you blush a little, "Ooohh~ Look your growling made her blush" "She's asleep, she's probably dreaming about the guy she likes or something" Jeff protests and you smile. You feel him look down at you and you slowly open your eyes, not fully just a little but enough for him to notice. He stares in shock and panic, then you smirk and close your eyes and snuggle back into him. "EJ!?" he whisper shouts, "What now?" "Did you see that?! She opened her eyes! She looked at me and is still on me!" he says confused and shocked. "Well if she did then she probably already knew we were here and she likes you, or she's sleeping and opened her eyes for a second but didn't actually see you" EJ shrugs. "Either way not my problem" he laughs and then goes quiet so you guess he's reading the book. You giggle very quietly and go back to sleep, hey if they think you're asleep then you might as well get some sleep out of it. Besides they'll be gone when you wake up and you can think of more fun things to do if they appear again!

Everlasting Smile (Jeff x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now