Simple Explanations

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  He just stares at you as if he's trying to read you, so you keep your mind blank and stare right back. After a while he sighs and looks down at you properly this time instead of trying to look inside you. "I see what the others meant when they said you were interesting" he tilts his head slightly, he's still trying to read you. "Can you please stop trying to get into my brain?" You laugh and he nods, "I should probably be running away in fear right now, crying my eyes out and begging for my life" You say and he nods along "That's the usual reaction" "However i'm not normal, far from it. I'm just - well no offence- better at hiding it than some of your creepypastas" You grin and walk over to sit on a bench but keeping your best friend in your sights. "We will not harm her, it is not necessary" Slender says as he walks over and sits next to you. "Good to know, so why have you been following me around today and why did those two go snooping around my room whilst Ben scanned through all my files?" You ask and fully turn to look at Slender now he's told you that your best friend will not be harmed. "Mainly for safety reasons, we knew you were a creepypasta fan so to speak and we knew that something was different" he replies and you nod. "Because I didn't delete Ben's file or run screaming when I found out someone had been in my house" You shrug and he nods in agreement, "I see how that can be worrying, however I wasn't about to lose the chance to mess with a few serial killers" you smirk and Slender continues to watch you.

 "If you have questions, ask away" you say as you lean back onto the bench and close your eyes. "Who are you?" he asks first, "Straight to the point aren't you. Well I am [Y/N] nice to meet you" you hold out your hand and open one eye, he shakes your hand and you smile. "If you want my life story, well it's not much of a story. Just normal." you laugh and then decide you might as well tell him.

"I was born into a normal family, they loved me however even from when I was young I could tell I wasn't like them. Yes they were my birth parents but something wasn't right, I didn't fit in. But I played along." You sigh and glance over at Slender to see he's studying you as you speak. "I went to school and played along there, it was fine until a school bully decided I was there new target. I didn't care though, he didn't do much at first. Knocked over my things, threw paper balls at me. The usual." you tell your story and swing your legs a little. "Then they realised that I would never stop smiling, that was the thing. No matter what happened, I would never lose my smile." you sigh and look up at Slender. "So they upped their game, come to think of it for kids they were quite violent. They began to trip me up, push me into the walls, punch me in the arm or slap my back hard as I walked past. Of course bruises and marks began to appear, people noticed what was happening. But because I didn't stop smiling they thought I was okay, the asked me if I needed help or if I wanted to tell a higher up but I told them I didn't care. Because honestly I didn't, they were just some school bullies." you shrug and smile at Slender.

 "This carried on until they gave up about half way through the school year, then I grew up and onto the next school. Newly turned teenager and still kept smiling, at first everyone thought I was just a really nice person and smiled for everyone else's sake. But then of course they found fun in trying to break my smile. No one could. They tried every method, bullying, violence, relationships, one even tried rape." Slender looks alarmed at me and I shrug. "I'm still here and smiling, point is they've tried everything" you lean back into the bench again and feel Slender's hand on your head, you look up at him and smile. "It's a very nice smile, i'm glad you kept it" he says looking into your eyes and a happy smile stretches across your face. "Thank you, but to the matter at hand. What are you going to do with me, I mean i'm probably classed as insane. But I know who you are so yeah, i'm a problem you have to deal with. Sorry about that" I laugh and he looks at me again before looking away and then looking back at me. "I think you should come with us" You look at him before bursting out laughing, "I'm sorry but did you just ask me to come with you?" "I believe I did yes, I would like to know more about you and I believe you could be of some importance to us" You look back up at him and shrug. "Why not, it beats being dead" you smile and he nods. "Well I need to go back to [Y/B/F] thought I believe i'll be seeing you soon" you bow to him, laughing quietly. "See you around Slender! Oh! And tell Jeff thanks for being my pillow" you grin and laugh as you walk back to [Y/B/F]

"Hey! So tell me everything and who is he?! He's hot in a mysterious way!" she squeals at you as you climb back up on the wall, you roll your eyes at her and tell her that you'd met him before from here and you just went and talked to him for a little while. "And I couldn't come?" she pouts and you shake your head. "You'd just sit there drooling over him anyways" you laugh and she nods with you. "Most likely, now lets go get food! I'm starving!" she jumps off the wall and you follow after her. "We going to your place or mine?" You ask. "Yours!" "Oh so i'm the one who has to make you food" you laugh and she nods. "It's why you're my best friend!" she laughs and hugs you to her side. You glance back at the woods to see Slender stood there, he waves and then disappears.

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